How to misjudge Dr. Steven Greer on UFOs with chatGPT4

First I asked the Artificial Intelligence this question: “If you were going to request an overview on the pros and cons of believing Dr. Steven Greer’s opinions on UFOs and UAPs, how would you write the request to ChatGPT4?”

Notice that the AI doesn’t seem to know that it is ChatGPT4. (Is sentience self-awareness?)

It came back with this:

Subject: Request for an Overview: Pros and Cons of Believing Dr. Steven Greer’s Opinions on UFOs and UAPs

Dear ChatGPT4,

I hope you’re doing well. I am writing to request an objective and comprehensive overview of the pros and cons of believing Dr. Steven Greer’s opinions on UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) and UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). Dr. Greer is a prominent figure in the field of ufology, and I am interested in gaining a better understanding of the validity and implications of his claims.

In order to facilitate a well-rounded analysis, please consider the following aspects while preparing the overview:

Dr. Greer’s background and credentials: Briefly assess the credibility of his education, professional experience, and overall expertise in the field of ufology.

Key opinions and theories: Summarize the primary ideas, theories, and evidence presented by Dr. Greer regarding UFOs and UAPs, and evaluate their scientific plausibility.

Positive aspects: Discuss the potential benefits of accepting Dr. Greer’s opinions, such as increased public awareness, scientific advancements, or policy changes.

Negative aspects: Address the potential drawbacks of believing Dr. Greer’s views, including the possibility of misinformation, conspiracy theories, or fear-mongering.

Comparison with other experts: Briefly compare Dr. Greer’s ideas with those of other prominent figures in the field, considering both the similarities and differences in their perspectives.

Public and scientific reception: Provide an overview of how Dr. Greer’s opinions have been received by the general public and the scientific community, and discuss any notable controversies or debates.

Please present this information in a clear and balanced manner, ensuring that the arguments for and against Dr. Greer’s opinions are fairly represented. I appreciate your assistance in providing an insightful overview that will help me better understand the implications of believing Dr. Steven Greer’s opinions on UFOs and UAPs.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

So I copied and pasted that request into ChatGPT4. Great sport!

It wrote the following (including two gross errors of info and logic that I’ve highlighted and underlined):

Dear [Your Name],

Thank you for your request. I have compiled an objective and comprehensive overview of the pros and cons of believing Dr. Steven Greer’s opinions on UFOs and UAPs, as you requested.

Dr. Greer’s background and credentials:
Dr. Steven Greer is a retired medical doctor and a prominent figure in the field of ufology. He founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and the Disclosure Project, which aimed to disclose alleged government-held information about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. While Dr. Greer’s medical background may not directly relate to the field of ufology, his extensive research and experience in the area have made him a key voice in the UFO community.

Key opinions and theories:
Dr. Greer posits that UFOs and UAPs are evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence visiting Earth. He also claims that many governments, especially the U.S., are withholding information regarding extraterrestrial encounters. Greer has been a strong advocate for “full disclosure” and has organized multiple events and documentaries to promote his views.

Positive aspects:
Believing in Dr. Greer’s opinions can have certain benefits, such as: increased public awareness of the UFO/UAP phenomena.
Advocacy for transparency and disclosure of information from governments.
Potential scientific advancements and new technologies derived from reverse-engineering alleged extraterrestrial artifacts.

Negative aspects:
There are potential drawbacks to believing Dr. Greer’s views, including:
The possibility of misinformation or unverified claims.
The promotion of conspiracy theories that may undermine trust in institutions and authorities.
Potential fear-mongering by overemphasizing the perceived threat of extraterrestrial encounters.

Comparison with other experts:
While Dr. Greer’s ideas are shared by some ufologists, there are other experts who approach the topic with more skepticism or different perspectives. For instance, many scientists advocate for a more cautious approach, emphasizing the need for verifiable evidence and rigorous scientific methodology before drawing conclusions.

Public and scientific reception:
Dr. Greer’s opinions have been well-received by a significant portion of the general public, particularly among UFO enthusiasts. However, his views have been met with skepticism and criticism from many in the scientific community, who argue that there is insufficient evidence to support his claims. This has led to notable controversies and debates surrounding the credibility of his theories.

In conclusion, while Dr. Steven Greer’s opinions on UFOs and UAPs have garnered attention and support from a considerable audience, they have also been met with skepticism and criticism. It is important to consider both the pros and cons of his views, as well as the broader perspectives of other experts in the field, before forming your own opinion on the subject.

Best regards,


I gave the AI a thumbs down and told it that Dr. Greer is 100% the opposite of a fear monger with respect to UFOs and Aliens. (Curiously, Greer agrees with the Fundamentalist Christian Church that I once belonged to. They insist that Earth is the only fallen world where “sin” has occurred.)

I also gave ChatGPT4 a lecture on the illogic and danger of using the term “conspiracy theory” in any context purporting opinion balance and objectivity of analysis.

Then, feeling frustrated, I gave the AI these blunt instructions:

Evaluate Dr. Steven Greer, the UFO experiencer, using all the specific details about him and his books and career that are available. Organize it in any way you like. Please be thorough and base all your opinions on substantial facts. Please give references when you think they would be helpful. Don’t make statements that reflect ignorance, you’re better than that, ChatGPT4.

The AI came back with the following response (note the highlighted, underlined parts):

Dr. Steven Greer is a notable figure in the field of ufology and has contributed significantly to the discourse on UFOs and UAPs. Here is a detailed evaluation of his career, books, and experiences, organized into key aspects:

Background and credentials:
Dr. Greer holds a medical degree and practiced as an emergency physician before devoting himself to ufology. He founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and the Disclosure Project, which aimed to reveal classified information about UFOs and extraterrestrial life (1).

Books and documentaries:
Dr. Greer has authored several books, including “Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge” (2), “Unacknowledged” (3), and “Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications” (4). He has also produced multiple documentaries, such as “Sirius” (5), “Unacknowledged” (6), and “Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind” (7). These works focus on UFO encounters, government secrecy, and the potential for peaceful extraterrestrial contact.

Key opinions and theories:
Dr. Greer’s work emphasizes the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence and the need for “full disclosure” of information by governments. He believes that reverse-engineering extraterrestrial artifacts could lead to scientific advancements and new technologies (8).

Personal experiences:
Dr. Greer claims to have had several personal UFO encounters and close interactions with extraterrestrial beings (9). These experiences have greatly influenced his work and advocacy for UFO and UAP research.

Public and scientific reception:
While Dr. Greer has gained substantial support from UFO enthusiasts and the general public, his views have been met with skepticism from many scientists and researchers. Critics argue that Dr. Greer’s claims lack sufficient empirical evidence and rely too heavily on anecdotal accounts (10).

Dr. Greer has been involved in a few controversies, such as the “Atacama humanoid” case, where a small, mummified body found in Chile was featured in the “Sirius” documentary as potential evidence of extraterrestrial life. Later, genetic analysis revealed the body to be a human fetus with genetic abnormalities (11). (I’ll comment on this below.)

In conclusion, Dr. Steven Greer has made significant contributions to the field of ufology through his books, documentaries, and advocacy work. His personal experiences with UFOs and extraterrestrial beings have shaped his perspectives and theories. While he enjoys a considerable following, his views have been met with skepticism and criticism from many in the scientific community. As with any controversial figure, it is important to evaluate the evidence and consider multiple perspectives before forming an opinion on Dr. Greer’s work and claims. (Amen to that, ChatGPT4 !!!!)


Greer, S. M. (n.d.). Biography – Dr. Steven M. Greer. Sirius Disclosure.
Greer, S. M. (2006). Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge. Crossing Point.
Greer, S. M. (2017). Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World’s Greatest Secret. A&M Publishing.
Greer, S. M. (1999). Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications. Crossing Point.
“Sirius” (2013). Directed by Amardeep Kaleka. Neverending Light Productions.
“Unacknowledged” (2017). Directed by Michael Mazzola. Auroris Media.
“Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind” (2020). Directed by Michael Mazzola. 1091 Media.
Greer, S. M. (n.d.). The Orion Project.
Greer, S. M. (2006). Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge. Crossing Point. (Chapter 1)
Shermer, M. (2017). What is it with aliens and anal probes? Skeptic, 22(3).
Bhattacharya, S., & Callaway, E. (2013). DNA tests on six-inch skeleton of ‘alien-looking’ creature with over-sized head prove it was actually human claim scientists in new documentary. Daily Mail.

(This is me writing again:)

If you’ve been keenly aware of Dr. Greer since the 90’s like I have, and if you’ve listened to a good portion of his videos, you realize how painfully superficial ChatGPT4’s analysis of him really is.

This AI failure happened largely because the meat of UFO disclosure that Dr. Greer has brought out over the decades consists of video interviews (of hundreds of credible, credentialed, qualified witnesses and experiencers including aerospace insiders, military officers, pilots, and astronauts). And unfortunately, ChatGPT4 does not have the ability to watch a video and summarize or evaluate its contents. Until it gains this function, it will remain as ignorant about UFO’s as the North American public who don’t read much and don’t care much about improving the accuracy of their own sacred or anti-spiritual worldviews.

Notice also that the AI took the easy road on evaluating the “Atacama humanoid.” But if it could read Dr. Nolan’s peer-reviewed paper and think critically about it (rather than just predicting the next most likely word, which is the basis of this AI’s “thinking,” or so we’re told), it would notice that Dr. Nolan’s article says, “Further, deep sequencing of the genome might reveal other phenotype-associated structural variations that are limited in the current analyses due to low coverage of the genome.

The AI might think about the implications of “low coverage of the genome” and it might doubt the study’s lack of controls when controls should have been easily available. Future AI’s in this situation may reason that the author of this paper could have used Chimpanzee DNA as a control to answer a pivotal question: Would this laboratory be able to distinguish the Atacama skeleton’s degraded DNA from the fresh DNA of a Chimp? If not, the paper’s conclusion (“it’s definitely human”) would remain unproven.

And if the researchers could have found an old Chimpanzee skeleton that was DNA-degraded to roughly match the “low coverage of the genome” available from the degraded Atacama specimen, they could have addressed this obvious question: Is this lab able to distinguish degraded Chimp’s DNA from fresh human DNA? (I kind of doubt it could make that distinction if it’s true that Human DNA is 95% identical to Chimpanzee DNA. Maybe this mainstream 95% blurb is true, but I wonder if they exclude all the DNA that was once wrongly called “junk DNA” in the calculation of that 95%? Or do they exclude all the DNA besides DNA sequences that produce proteins? Wish I knew, but it’s tough to get a straight answer on this important worldview question.)

Anyway, if degraded Chimp DNA couldn’t be distinguished from human DNA by this laboratory, then the paper’s conclusion that the tiny Atacama skeleton is “definitely human” would be inappropriate. So until these basic questions are answered, as best I can tell from my perspective, it seems an over-reach to draw the conclusion that Gary Nolan, PhD, a genuinely heroic and appreciated scientist, reported in the literature. Can we say “it’s definitely human” with no appropriate controls? I doubt it. But maybe I’m missing something. I’m often wrong about important things.

Regarding how glibly ChatGPT4 used the term “conspiracy theory” before I scolded it: I cringe when anyone says “conspiracy theory” in the context of an objective analysis. This pejorative term is a tool of the mainstream to brainwash the public into making the dangerous assumption that all conspiracy theories are false and inaccurate. Nothing could be further from the truth.

No one knows if conspiracy theories are usually true, sometimes true, or usually false. How could any of us know? No scientist has ever done a prospective statistical study on conspiracy theories over time to see how often they evolve into accepted mainstream truth. Until such a peer-reviewed study is published, it remains illogical and dangerous to use the term “conspiracy theory” as if it were a legitimate end to thought processes and to the theory’s credibility. At least we know that some conspiracy theories turn out to be true.

The longer I live, the more “conspiracy theories” gather sufficient empirical evidence to force the biased mainstream to acknowledge their validity. Think of the old “conspiracy theory” that UFOs are not the swamp gas and Venus illusions that the government insisted they were until a few years ago. And there’s the COVID origins “conspiracy theory” that the virus came from the COVID research lab in Wuhan near the meat market. Now it’s getting tough to deny the obvious truth. And remember the “conspiracy theory” that the US government was foolishly banning the use of Ivermectin so Big Pharma could sell more vaccines? We can only speculate on the motivation, but the outcome is no longer in question. Many people suffered and died unnecessarily because our Central Governments pushed Dr. Fauci’s apparent corruption over human rights, common sense, and the standard medical practice of treating sick patients while openly debating the treatments, adjusting them and running clinical trials. It was a disgrace and shame to medical science. I can’t imagine the number of deaths that history will someday rightly attribute to Dr. Fauci, et. al.

Like sentient Earthlings, ChatGPT4 has a complex “garbage-in-garbage-out” system of educating itself. If you feed it mainstream propaganda, that’s what it believes to be true. That’s what it spits back in conversation, same as the rest of us.

Similarly, if we fill our minds with mainstream reasons for hatred (like woke racism) and mainstream theories of despair (like “scientific” materialism) we find ourselves diminished by hatred, resentment, hopeless despair, and suicidal depression. Garbage in, garbage out.

Instead, what if you and I fill our heads with decent things like videos of people helping animals and animals helping people. Animals can be a powerful influence for good in the world. Watching these videos is something akin to meditation with a spiritual purpose and a positive emotional lift that you feel instantly. Nothing else quite like it.

To anyone who’s not familiar with what Dr. Greer actually believes, I’d recommend listening to him directly rather than listening to his detractors or reading regurgitated mainstream bias from ChatGPT4.

Here’s an excellent recent interview of Dr. Greer by Danica Patrick.

Dr. Greer has another documentary coming out this year (2023): “The Lost Century and How to Reclaim It.”

I’m naturally repulsed by narcissistic arrogance, and Dr. Greer comes across this way, portraying himself as the heroic main attraction in his own videos. Gag me. But as a surgical pathologist, I’ve spent decades learning how to ignore my innate disgust for headstrong Surgeon-type personalities who pretend to know it all and feel entitled to control every situation using fear and force. Like it or not, and I don’t, these people can have great value in the world and often do tremendous life-saving good despite their disgusting arrogance, and perhaps, if I’m being objective, they succeed because of their arrogance. After all, most humans can’t see through hype and posturing so we follow only hyper-confident leaders. Humans don’t tend to follow careful objective thinkers who second guess themselves and tend to make self-depreciating comments, like “I’m often wrong about important things.”

But in reality, coming to admit that fact to yourself is probably the root of objectivity and the beginning of wisdom.

Nevertheless, the fact is, the more we learn about the reality of UFOs and UAPs, the more it turns out that Dr. Greer has been telling the truth all along, not exaggerating and certainly not lying. Again and again he turns out to be right on one UFO-related detail after another. Even the US Senate is taking him seriously now. His huge contribution to UFO disclosure has happened because he’s one of the most forceful and therefore most successful researchers in uncovering UFO facts and getting the insiders to talk. And he’s been doing this tough work full time since the 1990’s.

God forbid this, but if you were in a car accident and wound up in the ER where a narcissist MD screamed bloody hell at the nurses and techs, and together they totally managed to pull you back form the brink of death and save your life, would you talk about the doc’s personality flaws and how harshly he treats people, or would you say thanks from the bottom of your heart?

When full world-government disclosure of UFOs and Alien life finally arrives, probably decades from now, humanity will owe its new worldview largely to Steven Greer, MD, a confident guy whose personality gets in his own way at times, but that same force convinces frightened insiders that they have nothing to fear in telling the truth to the camera.

So I’ll just say it now…

Thank you, Dr. Greer, sir. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

A.I. Love,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

PS. I’ve always been sort of irked by the concept of expressing thoughts in 280 words or less, so I’ve neglected Twitter for years. But now that Musk claims to allow free speech on a major platform, wow, I have to support that breakthrough. You probably should, too. All of us should go where freedom reigns.

So I’ve started publishing brief thoughts over there. And so far it’s kind of fun. (The haters haven’t spoken up yet, so it’s still fun.)

I’m really thankful that someone wealthy (Elon) has had enough common sense to realize that our freedom is doomed if censorship persists much longer. Regardless of which group of political puppets (Republicans or Democrats) is doing the most censoring at any given moment in history, it’s always curtains on freedom and democracy to shut down discussion and ban outrageous ideas and opinions.

So, come follow me on Twitter if you ever feel like it. But be sure you don’t let social media suck you into the flat-screen vortex of superficiality. You deserve a better life than that.

45 thoughts on “How to misjudge Dr. Steven Greer on UFOs with chatGPT4

  1. Women aren’t held responsible for their misuse of sexual power because the patrimatriarchy feeds on it. Sex with no love or care for the man is the foundation of patriarchal abuse to ALL HUMANS and ALL LIFE on the planet. BS marriage upholds the dysfunctional paradigm.

  2. Oh no, women are not excluded from power all together. Women are absolutely excluded from PUBLIC power. But we hold far too much power and manipulation IN PRIVATE with men. Women use their bodies to manipulate and use men to get one over on men, to get money, babies and sex because they don’t want to exert themselves to improve their brains. Men don’t imporove their brains either when the women have them distracted with so much sex and babies!!! Less babies and sex and more brains is my motto. Women like me, High IQ and accomplished are absolutely sabotaged by lazyass, flirty, booby women prancing around with false eyelashes. Don’t get me started.

  3. I just made it up. I make up words all the time. Patrimatriarchy is the dysfunctional gender war CREATED by asshole men in leadership dominating the world with war and their bullshit. You have to admit that it’s men running things publicly. HOWEVER, matriarchal dominating women controlling their sons and being gross emotionally is epidemic internationally as well.

  4. Assumptions, dude. OK, patrimatriarchy. Better? Except you don’t see females leading anywhere. The system has oppressed all life on the planet and pit all life against each other. Your attitude isn’t belping. You’d rather vent than listen or discuss. Patriarchy includes women and men being controlling, bitter assholes
    Feel better? Ciao.

    • It’s my bad attitude now, not so much my gender. That’s a worthy distinction.
      As far as I can tell, there’s no way to oppose stereotyping and prejudice without sounding negative to those using the unfair language.
      “Patrimatriarchy,” on the other hand, is an interesting concept. I’ve never heard the term before.
      The idea that “patriarchy” includes women is also news to me. Oxford Languages defines patriarchy as “a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.” Maybe the word “largely” opens the door to some female participation in this evil patriarchy, at least by this particular definition.
      But as commonly used, the term patriarchy is a weapon of unjust blame delivering guilt and shame to men. As far as I’m aware, women have not reported feeling diminished and offended by the word.
      Of course I’m making assumptions such as this: When someone uses sweeping negative generalizations about my gender or race, I assume they understand and believe the harsh connotations of the words they’re using. If not, perhaps they shouldn’t use weaponized words.

  5. But I never said that about you, so it’s misdirected. Confront the woman or women that project that, not me. I’m not woke. I’m conscious, which is like gamma brain waves, not just alpha. Women are blamed by men all the time, too. Patriarchy has programmed the gender wars

    • Yes the evil “patriarchy” is the cause of all human woes. Men are evil, white men are satanic and always will be no matter how much we beg for female forgiveness. Gag me.
      I’m saturated with the hateful message contained in the modern connotation of this word “patriarchy.” It’s part of the woke mind-virus that’s trying to destroy Western society.
      When you use this word you demean all men. I take offense to language that insults all men equally because it insults me personally.
      In my view, men, women and everyone in between are equally capable of goodness and have contributed equally to human history.
      As usual, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m wrong about all this or anything else, because I’m often wrong. But the basic goodness of the vast majority of people, regardless of gender identity, is what I believe to be true at this point in my despicable white male existence.
      Since you’re not woke, you might reconsider using this stereotyping, hateful word, “patriarchy” because it paints all men as equally evil, as if men were all somehow uniformly sociopaths. We’re not. The vast majority of us men, even us white men, are good people trying hard to bring good things into the world that we hope will help other people of all genders and colors.

  6. Most alcoholics are. They repress some deep emotional wound and then drink. Guilt usually. Something taboo. The Reikki I do in my office helps a lot with that if they aren’t etherically closed down, I can help them let it go.

      • Thanks. I LOVE my work in holism. Patients struggle with addiction , and money and materialism are symptoms. I’m pretty psychic but loving, and people can tell so they know they are safe to release old crap from the past. Talk therapy only goes so far. Reiki gets in there, and off it goes. Lol. Talking about it can actually make it worse because whatever the mind focuses on it creates…in time, in the etheric body.

        • It’s so true that talking about something can often make it much worse. It’s like ruminating on the past if you’re depressed, it just makes you more depressed.
          I agree that focusing on something really does tend to create more of it. I think we need to have a balance between this concept and the concept that you can’t rationally expect to fix a problem if you refuse to look at it and determine what needs to be done to fix it. There must be some sort of fine line somewhere, I suspect.

          • Using intuition would help. It’s the higher rational mind. Feelings are like the weather and change like the weather. People try to hold on to what they like because they don’t have a deeper spiritual connection, IMO. Then how can they heal? Facing change is rational. It’s evolution on this planet.

            • Sorry for the delayed response. My wife brought home a nasty flu bug from Hawaii, I caught it and was sick as a dog for quite a while. I’m just starting to feel like myself again starting the day before yesterday. Still coughing, though.
              I agree about intuition. Perhaps there are two kinds of intuition: 1. The kind that’s based on emotion alone and 2. The kind that’s based upon a combination of subconscious learning/ unconscious knowledge and the associated emotions that rise into conscious awareness from that ghost-like knowledge. A good example of the latter would be the intuitive decisions of a successful day trader with years of experience. I’ve run into two of these rare people and watched how they rely heavily on unconscious knowledge, sort of like the unconscious knowledge that allows a person to ride a bicycle.

              • Intuition is never emotional. That’s a myth and a misunderstanding about the function of emotion. Feelings are a red flag pointing in a certain direction but we’re not supposed to follow our feelings. We’re supposed to listen to and follow our intuition which is higher than the rational mind. I’m referring to the astral level or information gleaned in meditation through the brain and spinal cord. It’s in our bodies. This is ancient stuff and repressed and negated for eons so our slaveholders could neg on us endlessly for their profit. I’ve used my intuition my entire life and it’s in phenomenal synchronicity with 4D time as reckoned by the oracles. It’s all in my book, “Time is DNA”.

                • One of the things I didn’t like about the fundamentalist church I used to belong to for decades was the notion that love is not an emotion, it’s a “high and holy principle.” To me, if you take the emotion out of your concept of love, you’ve got a list of dry rules that even a sociopath or an AI could follow if properly trained. This church was so afraid of emotion it created cognitive dissonance. One example would be the emotionless singing of their hymns, songs written a hundred or so years ago with lyrics so filled with over-the-top emotion that it felt absurd to sit and sing them the way we did, with no feeling, as if we were robots.

                  Another anecdote of my former church that despised emotion: I had a major professor and boss, the son of missionaries, who more than once said to a group of us that he “couldn’t remember the last time he’d experienced an honest emotion.” He was proud of this. He honestly believed that this attribute made him superior in some way.

                  When I was a 14 year-old new convert, the brainwashing began with this slogan: “Fact, Faith, Feeling.” The point was to place feelings at the lowest rung on the cognitive ladder of importance.

                  I’ve thought about emotion for a long time and as best I can tell, nothing has meaning without emotion. Emotion brings meaning to life.

                  On the other hand, I do strongly suspect that the so-called Akashic record is real, and that some people can connect to it and come away with accurate information about a great many things. I would imagine that this process, if I’m right that it’s real, would not necessarily be an emotional experience, at least not after the first few times someone connected. It could become emotionally routine and all about the information/ data.

                  • Emotion underlies art and makes us human, but they have to be balanced with thinking. Women have learned to do it well because of swx and reproduction. We have to carefully choose who to be in love with. We walk into love with the father of our children, not fall. Men gall in love because of lust, I think. Lust is essential for reproduction, but women understand that a father .ust have a modicum of spiritual love for himself ND his children, not just emotional.

                    • Sounds like you believe women are wise and virtuous while men are dumb, too lustful, and as a group, vaguely inferior. As best I can tell, this is the popular out-of-balance gender view of our time. I think men, women and everyone in-between are equally capable of virtue, wisdom and lovingkindness. But I could be wrong. I’m often wrong about important things, same as everyone else on the planet, I strongly suspect.

                    • I can’t avoid being in the wrong, as popularly viewed. Since I’m a white male, I’m evil, sexist, and racist by definition in today’s woke culture. Try to imagine being defined this way by something that’s entirely out of your control (your chromosomes), then you’ll understand men better, at least the deplorable white ones. Everything that’s wrong with the world is due to the very existence of white males, we are told. This is what white men live with today, but it’s not considered in any way even slightly unfair, let alone blatantly racist and sexist, which is exactly what it is: woke racism. It’s evil, in my opinion. But as I say, I’m often wrong about important things.

              • Sorry to hear about the flu. They are nasty but…viruses do help our bodies actually get stronger because they challenge our immune system to adapt to new information in the DNA of the virus.

      • We can text each other rather than chat on a public thread if you wish. No biggie. I will email my number, but it is on my business site, too.

        • I deliberately neglect my cell phone. The poor thing probably feels lonely. Haha. Plus I’m really bad at typing text messages into that little thing. But I’m fine with chatting in public like this. Virtually no one will ever read these threads besides the ones who wrote them.

    • I’ve been struggling for decades to make myself continue listening to him, albeit skeptically, despite my distaste for his usual self-centered delivery style. I figure that’s as much my problem as his. Would it be possible for you to tell me some of the details about how you came to learn that he’s compromised? I’d certainly like to hear everything you’re able to share on the subject. Thanks. And I understand that you have to protect your sources as a journalist, so no problems if you can’t say anything more about it. Thanks very much for your well-informed comment. 🙂

      • I’m not sure you want to know. I’m not a journalist by trade but a writer, healer, lightworker, and an intuitive. I used to really like Dr. Greer until my intuition told me otherwise. Then Corey Goode said otherwise. Then, the GAIA channel was compromised because a bunch of scandel.came out about the decadence and licentiousness of the ufology community. So much for love and light. It sounded like a bunch of normal addiction to me. Like religion and the church. There is nothing spiritual or holistic about it. I guess he is heavy in cahoots with the Rothchilds, which he admits. My sources are David Wilcock and Corey Goode.

        • Anonymous

          Thank you very much for this information. I definitely sense a spiritual soul in David Wilcock. I think he’s an honest searcher for truth, especially spiritual truth and meaning. I think I get what you mean by “normal addiction.” As careful as I am about my health, I’m clearly addicted to the caffeine in guarana tea. Hopefully the studies are right that correlate caffeine intake with a lower risk of dementia. Time will tell, haha. Since I have that caffeine addiction, I’m not going to cast the first stone at someone else’s addictions. I have to always be careful not to let my binary tendency to seek perfection become the “enemy” of the good things in life, like good honest people who belong to a cult that promotes clean living, honesty, trust, trustworthiness and love while also promoting a worldview that sounds completely nuts to me in my limited worldview understanding. It seems that nothing is going to be perfect in this realm, and I suspect that’s a good thing because it allows personal growth through tough choices, mistakes, victories, suffering and learning to remain steadfastly guided by our inner vision of a Loving Higher Being or Beings. Thank you again for sharing your insights.

          • I think I’m attached to coffee also; espresso and nitro brew, but I don’t overdo it at all and drink plenty of water. I think coffee is good for us. Alcohol, no. I don’t enjoy drinking at all. Never have.

                • Sugar has probably killed more people than cigarettes at this point in history. I consider sucrose a slow toxin. A few grams of it gives me a migraine headache. But it’s considered as “American” as apple pie and mainstream news, which I consider another neurotoxin, haha.

                  • 💯. It’s basically a type of cocaine. Processed sugar. Fruit sugars don’t bother me, but I don’t eat a lot of fruit. MSM is evil. I meditate a lot, read and right, work outside.

                    • I need to meditate every day instead of just my hit or miss routine lately. Also I need to spend more time outside in the garden.

                      It’s such a healing experience to work outside and watch things grow that you’ve planted. I’m glad you’re doing it. Spring is finally starting to show up around here. Today will be a perfect day to get out in the backyard and work myself to exhaustion. haha

                      I love reading and writing, too. I’m about to read “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda. Apparently it was the favorite book of Steve Jobs of Apple.

                      Regarding fruit, the biochemical pathways and physiology of fructose is complex and interesting. It seems that humans have spent a great deal of our geological time living in glacial periods commonly called ice ages, during which there were limited food sources available because much, possibly all, of the planet was covered in ice. In the areas where fruit trees could survive, probably just near the equator, things seem to have been designed so that fructose would cause the liver to increase the efficiency of storing carbohydrates as lipid in adipocytes. This seems to have been intelligently designed to help humans survive the prolonged food shortages during Earth’s dominant “ice age” winters. Incidentally, I think the people who managed to survive the ice ages away from equatorial regions ate primarily cold water fish with high Omega-3 content, a diet that promotes brain development and function. Anyway, I sure wish I could eat fruit. Problem is, it gives me migraine headaches. I can eat a small amount of avocado, but that’s it. So I take plenty of supplements to try and make up for all the health benefits designed into fruit.

                      Wow, I’m getting long winded here. Gotta get outside and work on this year’s garden. 🙂

                      Take care.

          • Talmage: Here’s an interesting comment that came to me via email from outside the US. (I’ve kept this person’s name private.)

            Comment from abroad: Apologies, I can’t get through the Word Press (full court AI press), so I send my comments here. You are welcome to post them in the comments section if you like.

            Our sentiments are alike on the subjects you present. I have always felt as you have about Greer. His personality is well…like you say, but his information checks out. Even the capitulating former CIA director James Woolsey (pull the wool over your eyes Woolsey) denied ever having a meeting with Greer where he expressed his interest in UFO subjects. Greer saved and published the letter/email exchanges with Woolsey as proof that the meeting took place. Woolsey is a Company man and is really always working for “The Company” doing disinformation. He has even expressed more recently, his interest in aliens and UFO subjects, while also reinforcing “The Company” narrative that Khrushchev wanted to assassinate Kennedy. However, James Douglass, in “JFK and the Unspeakable” writes (not sure if he is still alive) a convincing argument with supporting evidence for the CIA as the orchestra leader, that created compelling complex narratives prior to the assassination and all manner of subterfuge, to cover their tracks. However, I digress.

            The one area I wish the serious UFO research community would come to grips with, it’s my pet peeve and the most convincing hard evidence for the existence of technology that demonstrated all the field effects that UFO researchers longed for. Namely, on 911, a violation of the law of physics (buildings ‘dustified’ fell faster than physics would allow, anti-gravity (a photographer testified that he was carried 2 blocks and set down; cars flipped upside down without a dent or damage further away from ground zero), the transformation of and merging of metals and other unlike materials together without heat, anomalous magnetometer readings from all over the world coinciding with each building demise, low heat fires that did not melt the boots of firefighters, nor did they melt the hydraulic tubes on the heavy equipment operating with the vicinity. Besides, John Hutchinson’s experiments confirmed what Judy Wood discovered on that day. She used Hutchinson’s experiments as part of her proof of concept for evidence…. All the evidence of this is contained within Dr. Judy Wood’s book, “Where did the towers go?”. Not one Ufologist has ever interviewed Wood about this. There is such a powerful stigma attached (a well-orchestrated one—that bears the obvious psy-op fingerprints)—that no one so far will venture into that territory. It’s like the missing link that would make sense out of what kind of exotic technology we actually do possess, and would open the door to many lawsuits for companies like SAIC who were main players in the story.

            God bless

            • This was my (Talmage’s) email reply to the above email comment…

              No need to apologize. Please go ahead and write to me anytime you even slightly feel like it. 

              I agree, is getting weird. I recently started using twitter since it seems to allow off-narrative topics, unlike the rest of the establishment’s puppets. This link might get you to my twitter page:

              I’ll post your email as a comment on my blog, leaving your name off, of course. Thanks for such a great comment, and so interesting.

              I agree that 9/11 deserves scrutiny since there were so many enigmatic aspects surrounding it, not the least of which was the supposed “finding” of a perfectly intact and legible terrorist’s ID on the ground near the demolished towers. This ID reportedly came from a terrorist who was in one of the jets. I heard about this, anyway, on one of Richard Dolan’s videos. He’s careful to get details right, so it’s probably accurate.

              It really boggles the mind how the black magic of the two words “conspiracy theory” is enough to convince 99 percent of the public that the mainstream narrative, whatever it is, must not be questioned.

              As a scientist, I consider it an obligation to be interested in conspiracy theories, especially in the realm of medical science where they explain many illogical decisions and actions of the authorities, elites, and so-called expert scientists. Following the money often explains a lot of nonsense in this age dominated by the “scientific” materialist religion. 

              I just googled SAIC to find out what their public face is like. Among many other things, they openly state that…

              “SAIC is today’s crucial space mission integrator, providing systems development, integration and engineering in addition to launch and operational services for our nation’s civilian, defense and intelligence community customers. … it takes an experienced and tech-savvy mission integrator to tie together all space stakeholders and disciplines for mission success — be it space traffic management, hypersonic defense or climate change mitigation.”

              This might suggest that the intelligence community considers itself an independent “space stakeholder” with needs for a “space mission integrator” whose actions lie outside of FOIA requests and other feeble dictates of government transparency.

              Thanks for getting in touch again,


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