Sitting in Handcuffs and Underwear as the FBI tramples Freedom Of The Press

An independent conservative news reporter, James O’Keefe, founder and CEO of Project Veritas, was raided by the FBI because someone gave him POTUS Biden’s daughter’s diary.

The video below only gives us his side of the story, but it’s shocking and falls in line with the FOYA-documented history of abuse from various US intelligence organizations.

The real shock to me, though, was this: The liberal ACLU and several prominent liberal reporters came to the defense of this conservative journalist. It’s another glorious crack in the wall of political hatred that keeps US citizens divided at the polls and thereby easily controlled by central banks, giant corporations, and their henchmen hiding within the secret service organizations of the US shadow government.

It gives me hope that the West will finally understand the larger point: Democracy’s survival requires (by definition) at least two viable opposing parties. A one-party democracy would be an oxymoron, like “capitalist communism” or FED-led free markets.

Although most reporters would agree that Freedom of the Press is essential to democracy, corporate news isn’t free to talk about a great many things.

The mainstream news outlets on both sides of politics are speech-limited and often gagged by their dependence on advertising money alone, not to mention their audience’s devotion to one side or the other of TV politics.

The ad money must flow or they’re out of business.

For example, if, during the worst part of the COVID pandemic, a mainstream news outlet had reported on how Pfizer and the FDA were withholding horribly negative vaccine research data from the world , the news outlet (conservative or liberal) would have lost an enormous chunk of advertising money from Pfizer. If this news organization had enough courage and integrity to repeat such blatant acts of honest journalism, their news business would face bankruptcy as corporate advertisers blacklisted them. The large audiences that objective journalism can attract these days wouldn’t save them. But going independent might.

This is why independent reporters have become the only source of objective news in the US.

It’s also why corporate news outlets insist that independent reporters are the source of “fake news,” when actually, corporate new is by far the main source of fake news.

Advertisers no doubt encourage TV news outlets to denigrate independent reporters…

“Here’s a little something extra to put in your pocket, Buzz. Your Joe Rogan bash last week? Really a brilliant piece.”

“Thank you, sir. The man’s got a case of toxic arrogance.”

“True. But ever thought of bringing him in house?”

“Oh, believe me, sir, we’ve tried.”

Google/YouTube, Twitter, and FB also do their best to silence independent reporters, but the women and men they cancel move on with their audiences to freer video outlets. It seems that truth is tougher to silence than expected, at least for now.

Incidentally, Elon Musk thinks he can rescue free speech by taking Twitter private. I hope he’s right.

As long as indie reporters exist, their voices will be like a rash on the butt of every hyper-dominant political organization in every country. The more dominant a political agenda becomes and the closer their power approaches totalitarian rule, the more painfully intolerable independent journalists become to them. This is because objective truth always frightens the ruling class no matter the nature of their views — left, right, or off-planet.

In the US, the left side of politics is now at least as widely and firmly entrenched in power and influence as the political right once was, perhaps in the 1950’s or before. Near-total power of this magnitude makes any human being feel simultaneously entitled to full control, and fearful of a violent revolution by the poor (many former middle class folk in this era) whom they’ve trampled in their power grab.

As best I can tell, this pattern is independent of the political views (left or right) of a current hyper-powerful elite.

So in a fit of bully-rage the hyper-powerful FBI forced a conservative indie journalist’s private emails out of Google, Apple, and then went after Microsoft who resisted. Then the FBI raided James O’Keefe’s home at 6:00 AM, put him in handcuffs and forced him to sit in his underwear in a public space while armed FBI stormtroopers ransacked his house.

Welcome to the Great Reset.

The FBI’s thugs took O’Keefe’s computers with his sacred list of confidential sources, the insiders and whistleblowers whose names he had sworn to protect when they entrusted him with their careers, reputations, and personal safety.

The FBI hoped to frighten all independent reporters into silence, not merely the conservative journalist sitting in his underpants with POTUS Biden’s daughter’s personal diary presumably hidden elsewhere.

This whole ugly mess shows us exactly how the new US government formed after The “Great” Reset will treat regular citizens under the intoxication of total power combined with the historically tyrannical influence of “scientific” materialism’s anti-spiritual propaganda.

The secret services of the US seem to have embraced an amoral value system decades ago, as reflected in their infiltration of the media during Operation Mockingbird and again more recently in something called “Bountygate.”

Today the unelected secret service organizations of the US frighten every one of our crooked elected officials in Congress as well as those playing musical chairs at the White House.

It’s easy to miss the disproportionate magnitude of secret-service power over the US government when the FBI is going after someone you don’t like, someone elected by the “ignorant, stupid, and evil” political party. But TV politics are the very tool the secret services use against us on both sides of TV “news” to keep us divided and looking at anything but the cancer within democracy that they’ve become.

We need to constantly notice that anything these secret organizations do to the “bad” elected officials, they can do to anyone elected by the “good” political party. It’s the same dynamic no matter which side you love or hate: the insidious growth of covert central power.

Here’s a mainstream TV news personality who was rejected by both sides of mainstream TV hate-news. I suspect that this unusual history alone makes Megyn Kelly’s current reporting more trustworthy than anything TV “news” has to offer.

In this video she interviews the independent conservative reporter, James O’Keefe, who woke up in his boxer shorts one fine morning to the sound of the FBI’s illegal predatory invasion of his home…

As Megyn said, several liberal reporters and the liberal ACLU came forward in support of this conservative reporter.

Suddenly, out of the blue, some of us are beginning to understand the inherent value of fairness.

Prominent liberal voices now realize that political censorship of the conservatives by the secret services can come back to haunt liberals someday if/when conservatives re-gain enough power and influence to reverse the entrenched political agenda of the current US secret service organizations.

I’m hoping this rare and wonderful example of liberals stepping up to support conservative free speech (in perfect harmony with classic liberalism) will be the start of the left and the right jettisoning their differences to defend what’s left of democracy in the US.

Independent Love,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

17 thoughts on “Sitting in Handcuffs and Underwear as the FBI tramples Freedom Of The Press

  1. The below quote was a ‘letter’ from a Democrat soliciting our money via my email who probably agrees with the Republican ideas below. I think we call them Neocons. It’s just a variation on the theme of how we can maintain our power, wealth, and lifestyle. Russia has been just a convenient card the banking families use to make war profits that many politicians are invested in, in one way or another along the money chain. They are just self-serving.
    “North Carolina is one of those states that will determine whether Democrats hold or increase their majority in the Senate or authoritarian Republicans in love with Vladimir Putin’s style of governing take control of our democracy….

  2. “The liberal ACLU and several prominent liberal reporters came to the defense of this conservative journalist. It’s another glorious crack in the wall of political hatred that keeps US citizens divided at the polls and thereby easily controlled by central banks, giant corporations, and their henchmen hiding within the secret service organizations of the US shadow government.” Just as Ray McGovern and VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Officials for Sanity), a more liberal group, which includes Willam Binney, supported Republican claims that Russia Gate, like WMD in Iraq, lacked any evidence, the collaborators being the DNC, James Clapper, John Brennan, the FBI, some in the Justice Dept, Christofer Steele, and Crowdstrike, etc. Russia Gate was a diversion away from the illegality of the power grab of Bernie Sander’s nomination and had many other spins as the continuous demonizing of Russia (my aside here is diplomacy and negotiation* equals a socially sustainable world while the other choice is MAD) *Mearsheimer, Chompsky, and others.

  3. Would be nice if people on both sides would realize the sad situation of not receiving any true news. There has to be a major shift of many to save democracy as we once knew it. So sad that the FBI can treat someone in the manner they humiliated O’Keefe. Our government agencies leave much to be desired.

    • 5lejas

      Gypsy Bev, From what I can see, Veritas Radio (they have done good work) and Mr. O’Keefe must be getting enough airplay and viewers to be attracting the attention of the gatekeepers—Veritas just tries to tell the truth and let people decide. In another similar vein, 2 of the speakers at the congressional hearing on UFO’s made comments that there should be “laws” created to stop people outside of the government from spreading ‘dis’ or misinformation about UFOs. Uh oh, thought police! Richard Dolan pointed this out to his viewers. To be fair though, I don’t know enough about the document Mr. O’Keefe apparently had but the FBI is notorious for setting people up so that they can arrest them.

  4. “corporate news isn’t free to talk about a great many things. ”

    Corporate news is owned by Blackrock and Vanguard. Infowars took money from pharma. I think Fox did as well. Fox certainly enabled the election thieves.

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