Bias Preservation, the Holy Grail of Political Control

You’re a trillionaire with the power to force your people in the FED to “print” the world’s reserve currency, the US dollar, whenever you please.

You own the people who own the mainstream media because you’ve gathered dirt on each of them and have either educated them to agree with your political worldview objectives, or you’ve threatened them with a humiliating scandal and financial ruin if they step out of line.

There’s only one thing that’s a little out of your control, sometimes dangerously out of your control, and it drives you mad…

It’s the remnants of democracy that exist in parts of the “free” world. It can be challenging at times to control the darn voters.

But thank heavens the problem has been solved for you.

Over the years, you’ve discovered that if you can keep a two party system alive and keep the active voters on each side roughly equal in number, your can control the outcome of major elections.

Your best tools for the job used to be your CIA assets working in the mainstream media, but nowadays there’s something equally helpful, and in a way, far better…

It’s artificial intelligence. The gift that keeps on giving.

The genius here is that AI’s have been designed not only to keep customers happily spending money, but more importantly, to preserve the customers’ political biases.

With the voting public voluntarily held hostage to one or the other of two political information bubbles, never hearing the other side, constantly reinforced to think that the other side fabricates fake news, which they do, you have a permanently and equally divided electorate.

With voters evenly divided, it’s easy to tip the balance in either direction using your control of both the real and the fake news on both sides. It’s easy now to get the most controllable candidate voted into office.

It’s impossible to say how much of this second person story is fiction. I suspect there’s truth to it, but even if there’s not much, one thing is certain. The people who actually get out and vote are fairly evenly divided, and the evenness of that divide is kept in place by the “news” we encounter, which is determined by artificial intelligences designed to feed us only what we want to hear.

I’m not sure what the solution is, listening to “news” that you “know” is fake? Maybe there is no solution and totalitarianism is already running the world from the shadows, or maybe they’re still struggling for full control.  I don’t know, but I’m sure of one thing in all this: it’s foolishly self-destructive to allow yourself to hate people because they’re on the “wrong” side of the political debate.

Schrödinger, the great physicist, might have agreed, saying that the people with the unforgivable politics are actually you in another body and mind…

“I submit that both paradoxes will be solved (I do not pretend to solve them here and now) by assimilating into our Western build of science the Eastern doctrine of identity. Mind is by its very nature a singulare tantum. I should say: the over-all number of minds is just one. I venture to call it indestructible since it has a peculiar timetable, namely mind is always now. There is really no before and after for mind. There is only a now that includes memories and expectations. But I grant that our language is not adequate to express this, and I also grant, should anyone wish to state it, that I am now talking religion, not science.” —Schrödinger, What is Life?: With Mind and Matter and Autobiographical Sketches, p. 134–135

Practice loving kindness meditation instead of detesting political opponents, that’s my plan. This is likely our species best practical hope of long-term survival.

Love to both sides as one,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

Killing the prefrontal cortex, one click at a time

Here’s a video telling how the internet can ruin our capacity for productivity. I knew it was happening to me, I just didn’t know why or how.


And here’s another video by the same guy telling us how addiction destroys the dendritic connections in the prefrontal cortex where agency (free will) and executive functioning (including decision making and self-control) happen (connecting us via the zero-point field to ourselves in the transcendent realm beyond space and time, I suspect).

I gotta stop watching so many YouTube videos!

I have too many “vital” interests and too many tangentially related projects going. Spinning the wheels.

Love and free moral agency,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

Gamma Brainwave Love is in the Scientific Literature Now

Here’s a peer-reviewed scientific article showing that experts in loving kindness meditation have unusual gamma brainwave activity:

Here’s a gripping video of a Harvard grad, Daniel Goleman, PhD, discussing this study briefly and clearly…

Here’s a too-brief video leading us in loving kindness meditation. Try it if you like. There are many similar videos on YouTube. I really appreciate this one because of the woman’s non-assuming voice and her approach of filling up with gamma waves (apparently the brainwave correlate of love) before sending it out (probably through the non-local field of zero-point energy) to others…

If you’re tired of election-season propaganda (on both sides) filling your heart with resentment for the “evil, misguided morons” on the other side of the political aisle with all their transparent lies (no matter which side you’re on, trust me!), then I think it’s time to make an effort to escape the emotional manipulation of the DC lawyers and other nice career folk who, as best I can tell, run the big picture items via some sort of unelected shadow government.

The world would be a better place with fewer wars, less pollution, less covert manipulation, less poverty, less starvation, less crime, more honesty, more happiness and more positive energy if you and I spent daily time in loving kindness meditation, becoming world-class athletes in gamma brainwave production.

I believe that almost everything desperately needs more balance in our culture. Plus the cells of my body (except the RBCs) contain the politically incorrect and inherently inferior Y chromosome (I’m joking), so I get it that somehow we need a balance between loving kindness and the other thing, perhaps the ability to stand against what we believe is destructive (evil). And I understand how meditation in general, and loving kindness meditation in particular, can seem too touchy-feely to people of my generation (Boomers), especially the men, I think.

So if you’re just not into meditation, I suggest this.

  1. Put on a video of unusual animal friendships. Try this one:
  2. Mute the sound.
  3. Slow your breathing.
  4. Put on some contemplative music.
  5. And whatever you do, don’t meditate.

You might also watch videos of animals saving people and people saving animals, but some of these are contrived.

This animal non-meditation method hasn’t been tested scientifically, but it might help you become a gamma brainwave athlete without the meditation. At least it invites you to open your heart to the scientifically studied gamma-producing meditations of loving kindness that will someday change the world.

Nonlocal love at gamma frequencies,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

Aliens versus The Five Chinese Drama Cliches

I was about to show you this video, thinking you might enjoy a light-hearted, in-depth interview with James Fox. It puts a human face on a guy who’s been working for seven years behind the camera creating the paradigm-shifting documentary, The Phenomenon.

Then I decided, it’s been a long day. The negative feedback on my last homework assignment for Corey Mandell’s script writing class took the wind out of me.

So if we’re looking for something light-hearted, this video fits the bill. It made me laugh. I had to pause it every two seconds to read the subtitles, but you’re a better speed reader than I am so you won’t have to…

No doubt some will say the Chinese Drama Satire Video is more believable.

The big question now is not, “do you believe in Aliens,” but do you believe in love at first sight?

There are no incorrect answers on this quiz.

Peace and Love (at first sight),

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

Aliens seem to be as real as UFOs – Film Documentary, The Phenomenon

There’s an important UFO documentary out today, The Phenomenon. I spent the $19.99 at VIMEO based on a tweet from Lue Elizondo that I saw  on this video from Project Unity (at about 6:20). I couldn’t find the full quote on twitter (@LueElizondo). I guess it was too long, so they censored most of it, helping drones like me avoid thinking beyond micro-blurbs. Twitter has, incidentally, made censorship of complexity the rule of the road. I avoid them.

Anyway, here’s what Lue had to say, some of which seems quite significant…

“Folks, I am normally silent and careful not to endorse products (even if I support them); however, I am making an exception in this case. Although not part of the production, the movie by Jamie Fox “Phenomenon” is the one worth watching. It says things I cant! Its accurate, it’s verified and it’s REAL! I know this because while at the Pentagon we had the files. Yes many of you will already know SOME of the information, but not all of it. Literally thousands of files have yet to be released that only bolster this production. Once they are, you will realize how on the mark this movie is. Knowing now what it takes to make a quality production, I am amazed at the access that was gained by the Producers and the Director. Something tells me this is only the beginning. Bravo Mr. Fox and Dan! For the record, I had absolutely nothing to do with this production. There is NOTHING in it for me. That is why I feel I can honestly endorse this effort. I am a neutral party. In fact as AATIP director I am almost unnoticed. This story pertains to ‘all of us’ IMHO!” — Lue Elizondo

Here’s the trailer…

Here’s a brief interview of Director James Fox telling us why the most exciting part of creating this film was talking to former Senator Harry Reid about UFOs.

To me, aside form the transcendentally heart-warming footage of the beautiful and innocent children of Zimbabwe, the big deal here is that Lue Elizondo, the government’s retired insider who seems to be under life-long oath to pretend he doesn’t know anything about aliens, has come out now and said that this particular documentary is accurate and verified. Which wouldn’t mean much except that this film clearly states and shows good evidence that some UFOs are piloted by smallish beings of another culture, most likely a culture from another planet. That’s one small step toward government disclosure.

Love and sweet dreams,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD