“Censorship of Speech Must End” – Tulsi Gabbard

“Big Tech companies are acting with impunity as they police our speech, squash debate and censor those whose speech they deem unacceptable. These big tech companies are now working together to make sure that they are coordinating the deplatforming of those whose voices big tech does not want to be heard. This is incredibly dangerous. And it directly undermines the fundamental principles of free speech that are at the heart of who we are as a country. Their actions fly directly in the face of the commitment that I and every service member have made.

“I may disagree with what you say, but I and every service member are ready to sacrifice our lives to protect your right to say it.

“I want to invite you to join me here on Rumble and support a platform that’s committed to free speech and that stands diametrically opposed to big tech monopoly censorship and policing. Click subscribe to get our updates.” – Tulsi Gabbard


I just watched this short video and immediately joined Rumble so I can follow this insightful woman, Tulsi Gabbard, on a platform with no pay wall and no YouTubeish censorship. As you recall, Tulsi ran for president not long ago. I hope she wins next time, regardless of which party she runs in.

Party affiliation is becoming more and more irrelevant as hatred and bigotry infiltrate and brain-snatch BOTH sides of the aisle, largely as a result of the openly racist woke movement and the emotional reactions against it that can, unfortunately, also be racist.

I would encourage you to follow Tulsi Gabbard on Rumble. There’s no pay wall on Rumble! They ask for personal info, including your address and birthdate. And if you want to comment below the videos they require a phone number. Yikes! I get so many spam calls now, I don’t even answer the blinking thing anymore unless I recognize the caller.

But still, all this personal data I’m giving them is a small price to pay for experiencing free speech in 2021. Tulsi tells us that Rumble exists primarily to promote free speech. I love that mission.

Let me ask you this, have you ever voted for someone in the wrong party? I mean someone in that conspiracy of stupidity that does everything wrong all the time according to your favorite “news” outlet. If you haven’t crossed that line, I hope you will consider it next time Tulsi Gabbard runs for president, no matter which “conspiracy of bigots” she represents.

Free speech makes or breaks democracy. If we lose it to the woke crowd, we’re done.

The woke movement along with other groups are determined now to cancel two-sided information sharing in our culture by labeling it as racist. From this Western version of “great-satan stereotyping,” it’s a natural next step to government-sanctioned silencing of all who politically oppose woke racism. As with the silencing of Ivermectin, it will all be done in the name of public safety.

“These words are dangerous!”

Some adults have great empathy. Those who don’t are not evil, they’re just limited in this one particularly valuable human quality. But they tend to excel in other areas. Moreover, they can’t fix their baseline lack of empathy any more than a tone deaf adult can learn to hear pitch differences well enough to play a violin in an orchestra.

All anyone can do is recognize his or her own limitations and work intelligently towards incremental improvement. Intelligent, “perfectly” designed practice can work wonders, especially in young people, but for adults…

With great effort and a desire to change, things like empathy and pitch differentiation can be improved to some degree, but not by orders of magnitude. Great transformations of this sort are essentially miracles. And of course, in a simulation such as this Universe, miracles can not only theoretically happen, but it seems they actually do.

From time to time.

Adults with little natural empathy often have another quality of mind that tends to be somewhat lacking in those with greater empathy. Nature is intelligently designed so that a balance of opposing forces is always the best situation. Democracy is a perfect example. Raising happy, healthy, mentally stable kids is another example…

As a parent, you can’t be all empathy and no discipline. Most people know this intuitively, while some of us have learned it the hard way. On the other extreme, a parent can’t be all discipline and no empathy, despite what our great grandparent’s generation might have been taught (about the dangers of giving kids big heads through compliments and the horror of “spoiling the child by sparing the rod.”) Kids benefit most from both sides of these opposing forces working towards the right balance for the child’s individual level of “agreeableness.”

Likewise, to keep democracy alive you need people with outlier-level empathy AS WELL AS people with other outlier talents who have much less empathy. You need both ends of this diversity and everyone in between talking freely, speaking honestly, and debating with deep respect for the infinite value of the other side’s opaque, wrong-headed, and inglorious opinions.

This essential respect needs to come from recognizing everyone’s limitations, including our own personal abiding inability to see both sides of any emotionally charged, complex argument involving a complex system.

The realization that we cannot for the life of us see the wisdom in the other side’s views, no matter how hard we try, coupled with the eternal truth that ALL views are valuable to the vital balance of any complex natural system, is where real respect arises for your opponent’s ideas. Only then does respect for “those idiots” make logical sense, because then you know deep down that they can see things you cannot see and know things you are not able to ever know.

“Love your enemies” is not only the most valuable secular and spiritual teaching of Jesus, it’s also the life blood of democracy because… If you love your enemies, you will allow them to speak freely.

A revival of logical respect for all peoples’ views is necessary now for the continuation of democracy in the US. I should note here that democracy is not only the rarest form of government, historically speaking, it’s also by far the most successful governing experiment in the history of civilization since the Younger-Dryas event.

As soon as free speech dies in the US, one side or the other will take over and show us all exactly why everyone’s views are valuable and every side of each argument needs to be carefully considered.

You might think that a one-sided victory for the champions of empathy would make the US a better Nation, but it’s not that simple because empathy needs something to balance it, and absolute power is worse than IV heroin. It eats free will and produces suffering.

No matter which side takes full and final control of this democracy, we will all end up suffering with a tiny super-wealthy elite above us, something similar to the CCP or Royalty by any name. This tiny elite will hoard wealth while forcing the rest of us to live in poverty. This is, I hate to admit, what we all would tend to do if given absolute power, because such power brings with it the constant terror of losing that power and being torn apart by an angry mob of poor people.

You see, you’re just like me. I hope you’re satisfied.” – Dylan

Whether the woke racist movement takes over or the opposite extreme in politics, it will all be the same. The middle class will become a faded memory, soon removed from real history, just as we’ve done to the “myth” of Atlantis, a thriving civilization that went down when one type of person gained unopposable power and destroyed the island’s balance of ideas, passions and vision.

Bipartisan Balanced Love,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

6 thoughts on ““Censorship of Speech Must End” – Tulsi Gabbard

  1. Oh, how I agree with him as they just throw out whatever figures make Covid sound terrible so they get everyone afraid so they will take the vaccine, which is a poison in and of itself with many long and short-term side effects. You will never get accurate figures from a governmental agency. Can you tell this really upsets me especially when they even think of giving the vaccine to children?

    • I agree. Giving a relatively new type of vaccine to kids who are at less risk of death from COVID-19 than from a bad flu season makes no sense to me. Our leaders in most areas are led by emotion and a partial/biased view of questionable data. The only reliable data I know of now is the data on “excess deaths.” Also, I think the surge of ICU patients suffering from COVID-19 right now is real. I know too many medical people to believe that the stories of “ICU’s full of sick COVID-19 patients” are somehow not reflecting a real situation. It’s just that these extremely sick patients are getting Vitamin D and much better treatment that the system knew how to give before. Unfortunately, doctors are being told not to give Ivermectin. Also a few other extremely helpful treatments are not being pushed as they should be, imhayio. Stay well, Gypsy Bev.

  2. We have to keep using our right to free speech as it is the foundation of our country. Without it, we become a dictatorship where no one can say what they truly feel without fear of punishment or death. Rumble is a good platform promoting that right.

      • No freedom of speech at that school board meeting. As a former elementary school teacher, I think the masks are pretty much useless for children unless they have a serious side condition. It has to also be a terrible psychological issue as well instilling the fear factor in them at an early age. They are learning to follow orders given by the government in a small issue, which will certainly lead to other things in the future. Hope I don’t get you removed from the internet with my comments.

        • I agree with you. The psychological damage to all of us, but especially to children from wearing masks needs to be weighed against the conflicting scientific evidence that masks protect us from viral illnesses. On top of that issue, children as a group have much lower risk than older adults of serious illness from COVID-19, so it’s a risk/reward ratio that needs to be considered objectively, weighing the unintended side effects on both sides of the equation. Here’s an article you might enjoy, written by an MD who believes that the data today on COVID-19 is unreliable with the exception of the “excess mortality” data. https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2021/09/03/i-have-not-been-silenced/#comments

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