The only way a Central Bank Digital Currency can happen in the US is by turning Democrats against democracy

Imagine you’re a powerful, wealthy insider, a person with global connections in high places, a person that the World Economic Forum (WEF) would classify as a “stakeholder,” deserving status and economic advantages such as ownership of real estate.

You believe that democracy and capitalism are one-and-the-same, both have failed, and you want to end democracy in the US in a peaceful revolution that avoids civil war.

After all, you and your friends are convinced that the average person is too dumb to govern themselves. The masses need an elite class to step up and save the world with benevolent top-down control of everyone’s opinions and spending behaviors.

Like anyone who reads nonfiction, you realize how easy it would be to usher in a top-down government similar to China’s if you and your banker friends could micromanage each individual’s money with a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

With that flexible tool, you could bankrupt evil corporations by instantly enforcing tax regulations designed to take down dangerous niches of capitalism, starting with those upstart platforms that allow free speech. They have to go, because the average person is not smart enough for unprotected thinking. Your banker friends agree.

And with the micromanaging power of a CBD Currency, your elite class could gently herd the holdout pro-democracy folks away from their failed sacred-cow system, starting with a stoke of a computer key that prescribes the medicine of negative interest rates upon all (central) bank accounts with low “social scores.”

Looking globally, you notice that the Central Bank Digital Currency in China is already taking root, but here in the US we’ll teach the Chinese Communist Party a thing or two. We won’t have any public protests, bank holidays, or crashing real estate and stock markets. Business cycles will become a footnote in history books. Just imagine…

With everyone’s “social scores” reflecting their purchasing patterns, online interests, and the words they’ve read and written, Central Bank Owners will be able to tailor financial rewards and punishments in a fair and efficient way. When the economy gets too hot and inflation fears arise, you will be able to instantly reward personal saving at the individual and corporate levels, cooling things down. When the economy slumps, you’ll be able to reward spending on just the right things to avoid recession. It will be a modern monetary theory wet-dream utopia.

Eventually people will realize that they don’t need to own things in order to be happy. You and your wealthy friends have already learned this sad lesson the hard way, by actually owning everything money can buy and still feeling miserable.

But this current opportunity to save the masses from themselves with CBD Currency and the re-emergence of rational top-down government in the West has been like a shot of B12 in the buttocks. You have new energy, a higher purpose, and an opportunity to implement a life-affirming revolution-without-blood.

Fortunately your friends have years of experience in manipulating voting patterns in the US by increasing political polarization and hatred via mainstream TV “programming” designed from the top down to control both political parties. The magic of “molding public opinion” has taught you one thing for sure…

If you want to kill an idea, attach it to one of the two main political parties. It doesn’t matter which one. You can flip a coin.

So try and imagine that all the above reflects your thinking. Now take an unpleasant and brief listen to as much of the video (linked here in orange) as you can tolerate.

Apparently the coin came up tales at the WEF, and someone must have decided to attach the love of freedom and democracy to the Republican Party and somehow NOT to the party that incorporated the word democracy into their name.

I can just hear some elite bankster chuckling, “Let’s have those Republican fellows be the ones who want to save democracy. The irony will absolutely slay our comrades.”

Personally I wouldn’t be surprised if the man, James G. Rickards, in this video (linked in orange above) is exactly who he says he is, a hugely connected insider. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s sincere and may even believe he’s selling (for $49) a newsletter that will preserve a person’s financial freedom after the CBD Currency becomes a reality of top-down control by WEF graduates who have become US Politicians. As best I can tell, Mr. Rickards is right about a great many things, and perhaps his newsletter is worth something, but…

Even if he’s sincere and correct about every alarming thing he says will happen soon in the US, he’s playing right into the hands of the World Economic Forum’s agenda by promoting the absurd lie that Republicans love democracy more than Democrats.

That lie, that deliberate misinformation, is the primary brainwashing tool that the WEF et. al use in the USA to stop half the population from noticing what the WEF is openly promoting: their agenda of Central Bank Digital Currency and totalitarianism. It’s not a conspiracy theory despite what the Wikipedia says. Here’s how the WEF founder, Schwab, sums up the WEF agenda…

“You will own nothing and you will be happy.” – Klaus Schwab

The only way the WEF can hide what they’re openly doing is by attaching the idea of loving democracy to one party, especially at a time like this when anything one party likes or wants, the other automatically hates or dismisses.

We’ve become like chronically dysfunctional siblings…

“You like blue? Fine, I hate blue.”

“Well, I hate you.”

“I hate you, too.”

“Mom! Cloe stuck her tongue out at me again!”

Here’s another right-wing voice helping the WEF accomplish their political goals by foolishly promoting the WEF’s misinformation (calculated lie) that liberal voters don’t love democracy as much as conservative voters…

The lie that only conservatives love democracy makes things easy for the World Economic Forum because the stage has already been set for liberal minds to emotionally reject anything labeled “right wing conspiracy theory.”

Everybody and their dog “knows” that all conspiracy theories are inherently false, even the ones where the conspirators openly discus their plans on video the way the World Economic Forum is now doing.

But don’t we really need a Reset?

Yes, we absolutely do, but not the WEF’s version. We need to vote together across the aisle, Democrats and Republicans rejecting the mainstream narrative that we’re polar opposites in some way.

Doesn’t the US’s perversion of capitalism need fixing?

Yes, in a big way.

Aren’t Washington’s policies (of both the Republicans and Democrats in DC) killing the middle class by printing and spending too much money thereby reducing the buying power of the dollar?

Yes. Every decade for as long as I’ve been alive, the middle class has become poorer. Ninety-nine percent of voters don’t want this to continue. Your political party is totally irrelevant here.

Isn’t the revolving door that takes politicians (from both parties) out of public service and into the payrolls of mega-corporations they’ve favored while in office… isn’t this the very reason DC represents the military-industrial complex and ignores “we the people” of the middle and lower economic classes?

Yes, that’s the problem exactly. Not one Democrat or Republican outside of DC wants this repulsive anti-democratic situation to continue. Not one. It should be against the law.

And it could be, if only…

We must gang up, Democrats and Republicans, and all vote together to remove ALL DC politicians from office, every last one of them, clearing out both sides of the aisle and replacing these compromised failures with people who see the problems and run on platforms of fixing DC immediately with new sweeping laws such as a simplified (and therefore fair) tax code with NO loopholes for any big businesses, term limits for everyone in DC including the secret service leaders and those in lifelong power at the Department of Defense, and laws against the revolving corporate door of employment for semi-retired politicians who have sold out and abandoned their voters in exchange for a cushy job lined with cash and bonuses.

I’d bet that for every (mislabeled) “Democrat” who wants a totalitarian takeover of the US government via CBD Currency and its micro-controlling surveillance potential, there are at least several million real Democrats who would oppose any such Orwellian nightmare… if only they hadn’t already written off the whole anti-CBD Currency topic as a “right-wing conspiracy theory.”

Central Bank Digital Currency is at least as bad as advertised by the wildest of “right-wingnut conspiracy theorist,” all you have to do to know this for yourself is to open your eyes and ears to what the WEF is saying to the voting public.

Today more than ever, Democrats and Republican desperately need each other. We need to talk respectfully across the aisle about big-picture issues, things we already agree upon. We need to admit to ourselves how our thoughts and emotions are being manipulated daily by the sold-out TV “news” media on both political sides while compromised social media platforms have become addicted to the power of censorship.

We voters may have a window of several years in which to learn to talk across the aisle with love and respect, finally learning to thumb our collective noses at ALL mainstream media outlets (on both sides) and vote together in mass to save democracy from CBD-Currency totalitarianism as envisioned and promoted by the WEF and practiced now by the Chinese Communist Party and their top-down wealthy “stakeholder” elites.

Free Currency Love,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

PS. Feel free to share this post across the political aisle with an old friend who doesn’t speak to you anymore because you perhaps belong to what he/she considers the “evil” political party. News flash, regular people are not evil. We’re simply living in a state of prolonged emotional manipulation aimed at creating mutual opinion rigidity and distain for the other side. It’s time to break free from the spell and vote all the incumbents out.

Fraud discovered in big Alzheimer’s study, but the mainstream still ignores Bredesen’s Breakthroughs

Not only have billions of dollars gone down the toilet in failed Big Pharma pills that target the amyloid of Alzheimer’s disease, but now we know fraudulent data photos were published in one of the most seminal rat studies of this disease. The fraud, at the time, convinced most researchers (and all NIH grant controllers) that amyloid CAUSES Alzheimer’s dementia.

BAMP! Wrong answer.

All of Big Pharma’s Alzheimer’s anti-amyloid pills have failed miserably for many years, yet this failed paradigm of amyloid-as-cause of the disease continues to suck every dollar of grant money away from researchers like Dale Bredesen who has actually published peer-reviewed studies of his success in REVERSING mild to moderate Alzheimer’s dementia.

The situation reminds me of how impossible it would be for a fiscal conservative like myself to convince a congresswoman/man (Democrat or Republican) that the FED’s power to print money is destroying the middle class and will lead to a central-bank digital currency that kills democracy, replacing it with a totalitarian oligarchy like the one promoted by the World Economic Forum and the CCP of China.

In the video linked here, Megyn Kelly interviews the whistleblowing scientist who discovered fraud in the rat study that pivoted mainstream researchers from doubting “amyloid-as-cause” to swallowing it whole without chewing.

As best I can tell, a bench tech slipped the fraud pictures into the paper without the lead scientist’s knowledge. This tech guy has a reputation of producing work that other labs cannot reproduce.

“Lies are the whole problem, Earthling.”

But far more important for my precious readers is this: at about 1:08:42 on the video, Kelly interviews Dale Bredesen, MD, the research scientist who has already reversed Alzheimer’s Disease in a fairly large number of patients.

They estimate that 45 million US Americans will soon have this unimaginably horrible disease. That means every single one of us needs to know about Dale Bredesen’s success because someone we know, if not we ourselves, will almost certainly be taken down by this cruel killer.

The number of Alzheimer’s deaths eclipses the COVID-19 pandemic, but beyond numbers, it’s difficult to imagine a more unbearable way to die than watching your mind, personality and memory slowly deteriorate until you cannot for the life of you recognize your spouse or kids.

Please take this disease seriously.

So mainstream medicine is clueless about Bredesen’s breakthrough work after they’ve wasted billions on failed monotherapy pills. And if an MD knows about Bredesen, odd are he/she criticizes him.

But how could any intelligent person be so rigidly devoted to denying the truth?

It’s somewhat simple. They demand to see an experimental design with double-blinded controls geared to test “one thing at a time,” (the Big Pharma monotherapy dogma).

By definition, the monotherapy approach cannot work when you’re dealing with a chronic disease that has dozens of mini-causes working together in synergistic combinations.

Alzheimer’s is an E pluribus unum disease — “from many, one.”

Modern monotherapy medicine is clueless to deal with such complexity. Instead it demands to live in the past and block progress with outdated standards of monotherapy experimental design.

But can’t Dr. Bredesen produce blinded controls and satisfy the mainstream?

No, not at all. Think about what he’s up against.

When altering lifestyle, diet, heavy exercise, carbohydrate toxicity ( for “type 2 diabetes of the brain”), fighting specific chronic infections like Herpes Simplex Virus, eliminating neurotoxins, and running large-spectrum blood analyses to discover and target each patient’s specific causes of Alz dementia, it is impossible to design a study with double-blinded controls, because…

For instance, how can Bredesen blind (hide from) a patient the fact that she is on a low carb diet testing her ketone levels daily and exercising heavily three or four times a week? And conversely, how do you hide from the controls the fact that they are not doing these things?

You can’t.

The test cohort and the control patients will know exactly which category they’re in. This makes all studies that are aimed against multi-factorial diseases such as Alzheimer’s, absolutely predestined by Big Pharma to fail and be viewed as worthless by mainstream doctors and their journal gatekeepers who have been educated for generations by Big Pharma reps, you know, those gregarious extroverts giving away free pens, free gadgets, and free lunch during their lectures on journal articles supporting their company’s big-hitting pills.

Meanwhile, to any rational mind not brainwashed for generations by Big Pharma, the controls they demand are actually present in the general populations of the world. They consist of vast numbers of people who are dying of (and with) Alzheimer’s disease. Not one of these “common-sense control” patients has had a reversal (or even a slowing) of symptoms once a well documented diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease has been made.

So hey, if you’re having mental fog at all, even in you mid 40’s, ask your doc if you’re OK to experiment with a ketogenic diet for a month or two. And maybe do some vigorous cardio with it, if you’re able.

The keto diet alone will show you what a clear mind (burning ketones rather than just glucose) feels like. If you have chronic free-floating anxiety or mild depression, I predict it will largely vanish along with the brain fog.

Then you’ll have personal evidence (n=1) on the amazing Bredesen Protocol.

Keto Love,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

PS. Send this article to someone with a brilliant mind that you appreciate, perhaps someone who’s 40 years old or better.

The CIA asks Dr. Nolan to study UFOs saying, “People have died.”

Garry Nolan, PhD, a cancer researcher at Stanford was minding his own business one fine morning when the CIA came to his office from out of the blue and asked him to help them research the effects of UFO encounters upon human blood (Nolan’s area of special expertise).

If only there were a politically neutral mainstream TV “news” outlet, I could post that interview, but no such thing exists in the USA. Nothing vaguely close to neutral.

So if you’re a Democrat and can’t stand the sight of Tucker Carlson, please join me in forgetting politics. This is bigger than all that. Plug your nose, hold your breath, or whatever it takes to watch this world-class mainstream research scientist tell us what he knows for sure about UFOs.

The longer Dr. Nolan talks, the more he reveals his true opinions on UFOs.

The UFO phenomenon is part of the physical world.

“It’s unscientific to not study it. And if you’re going to be that way, you’re not a scientist, you’re a priest.” – Garry Nolan, PhD.

At first Dr. Nolan sounds fashionably skeptical, but after a while he reveals what he truly thinks we’re dealing with…

Dr. Nolan reminds us that the National Defense Appropriations Act of 2023 puts congressional demands upon the Defense Department (DOD) including the following:

1.) All the non-disclosure agreements related to UFOs/UAPs must be revealed (so everyone involved can be tracked down, given amnesty, and interviewed under oath)

2.) All records on the disinformation and obfuscation surrounding UFOs/UAPs must be revealed

3.) All the information going back to 1947 regarding UFO-related events that have occurred must be revealed

4.) All information about the medical harms that have occurred in association with UFOs/UAPs must be revealed

“What law can you remember in the last year or two that has had complete bipartisan support? This has brought people together…. This is above politics. It has to be.” – Garry Nolan, PhD

The CIA showed Nolan several brain imaging studies (MRIs) of people who had ventured too close to UFO craft. The white areas of sclerosis in the image on the right are scars associated temporally with symptoms resembling radiation toxicity immediately following the patient’s close proximity to a UFO vehicle.

“It’s 100% real. There’s no doubt about it. The data [of the physical effects associated with UFO encounters] is real.” – Garry Nolan, PhD

Carlson: “You’re around people who study this stuff for a living, the most knowledgeable people on this topic in the world.”

Nolan: “Yes, Yes.”

Carlson: “What is their general sense of what this [UFO phenomenon] might be?”

Nolan: “That this is not from Earth.”

Bipartisan Off-planet Love,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

“End the American Oligarchy”

I’ll keep saying this until I die, Democrats and Republicans need each other desperately.

It’s time to end the decades-long trend of economic theft by DC politicians who shrink the middle class and increase poverty while enriching themselves by way of legal insider trading. Both parties do hundreds of millions of it!

Here’s a guy who sees the shared predicament of middle and lower-class Democrats and Republicans. He gives us two possible solutions.

Awesome video!

It really should be a federal crime for DC lawyer-politicians to trade stocks against the US middle and lower class Democrats and Republicans using secrets about economic legislation.

But since both sides love money more than fairness, and since we voters are separated irrationally into two angry camps who vote with our limbic systems, it will take the miracle of Republicans and Democrats learning to love each other and value each other’s opposite opinions before we can vote together to stop our leaders from impoverishing the middle class and adding to the poor.

Until then…

Today I signed up for a one-month free trial of a service that claims to use public knowledge of the House and Senate’s insider trading. I have no idea of this service’s value (or lack of value) to investors and traders. The outfit requires a credit card for the free month’s trial, so if you sign up, please just paper-trade it for three weeks, and if it goes badly, cancel your “subscription” before your free month is over. Otherwise they will automatically charge you $30.00 for another month.

With that caveat, on top of a sinking feeling that the stock market is irrational lately, here’s a link to the DC insider service mentioned in the above video.

I hope these people are honestly trying to level the playing field for middle and lower-class stock traders and investors. We all must currently trade against DC insiders (in both parties) who live by the popular amoral deception that “fairness doesn’t work.”

If only all of us Democrats and Republicans could calm the hell down and really listen to each other the way normal people once did. It’s a dream that needs to come true or democracy won’t survive.

Fairness Love,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

By the way, I have no affiliation with quiverquant or anything/ anyone related to it.