Imagine there’s no hatred…

I haven’t heard anything about Yeonmi Park for a while, the girl who escaped North Korea at age 13 by being sold into sex slavery in China. She says she’s thankful it happened, despite the abuse she suffered and the struggle to survive in China. She tells us that if she had stayed in North Korea, she would have starved to death. The woman who sold Yeonmi to the Chinese sex slave industry also sold her own children to China hoping that this would save them from starvation. The North Korean government murdered her when they found out.

Last night I sat and watched Yeonmi’s new video interview, conducted by a scientist who grew up in the USSR. I like this guy because he doesn’t sound too bright until you read a list of his scientific accomplishments, then you realize he’s probably one of the smartest people you’ll ever encounter.

In the interview, I heard Yeonmi crying as she tried to describe the suffering, starvation and literal cannibalism going on right now in North Korea. I had no idea this was happening, did you?

She describes her initial shock and ongoing remorse over the way the “free” world ignores N. Korea’s modern holocaust, the literal genocide of North Korean people by their morally vacuous leader, Kim Jong-un, a well-nourished man who would rather see his people starve by the millions than accept aid from the West.

Yeonmi describes how every manifestation of love is illegal in North Korea. That’s right, illegal. There is one exception, of course, everyone is allowed to love their “dear leader.” In fact every citizen is programmed from birth to love the one true “god,” Kim Jong-un. They believe he can read their minds, literally.

Yeonmi explains how North Korea’s systematic mind control centers around banning words like “romance.” That sounds familiar. I wonder if the term “romance” will soon become as dangerous in the West as reminding the Woke movement that they’re a group of overtly racist whiteophobes.

Yeonmi’s experience explains the mechanisms by which humans are controllable through isolation and language management. The Royal founders of North Korea cancelled words exactly the way the Woke crowd is doing now in the US. After one generation, everyone in the cultural bubble of North Korea forgot not only the banned words, but also the very concepts that the words carried–things like romantic love, personal freedom, and normal human empathy. Is this were the Woke movement is taking us?

Modern life in North Korea sounds like Science Fiction, but it’s undeniable reality. Meanwhile the woke movement has ascended to power in the West through thought control, word cancellation, and the ban of rational discussion and free speech in the universities and Big Media.

I was surprised to discover that some people online actually support North Korean genocide. They level character assignation against Yeonmi Park. It’s hard to believe. I wonder who these trolls are, really.

The cold silence of our money-hungry media keeps the West ignorant of North Korean starvation. Anything that might hamper the carefully designed and promoted political division, frustration and hatred here must be avoided because harmony would interrupt the media’s cash flow. Things they must avoid include all issues that people agree upon and might rally behind, such as: stopping genocide, reporting the vast evidence of intelligent “off-world” beings operating UFOs, getting clean water to children who have never seen it, and stopping the FED from widening the wealth gap in the US.

When people agree on things, they don’t stay glued to the TV. They get out into the 3D world and try to improve it. Therefore public agreement is the enemy of Big Media. Anger and irritation bring in the eyeballs and the advertising dollars. Certain emotions were shown to be addictive in electrode brain stimulation data from long ago.

The Pleasure Shock by Lone Frank (page 88), a historical medical documentary book, describes a patient with 17 electrodes in his head and the control button in his hands. He found a spot in his brain that eliminated “bad thoughts” and gave him a “wonderful feeling” with “sexual undertones.” You might think this patient would stimulate that part of his brain more often than any other area, but no. Apparently certain other feelings are more addictive than pleasure.

He preferred to stimulate himself with a combination of three other electrodes: one that made him feel “very irritated and peeved” along with two that were called, “reward areas.”

This is how the media makes money, they keep us irritated and peeved at the “dangerous idiots” on the other side of every issue reported. Any topic that unites viewers across political, cultural, or economic divides must be avoided like poison by Big News Media, Inc.

“Irritated and peeved” is just how I feel when I’m stupid enough to pause in front of a political TV “news” report and listen for a few minutes. It makes no difference which “morally and intellectually superior” side of the political aisle is blabbing hate and outrage, the result is the same in my head: irritation with a simultaneous tweak of a “reward area” telling me how much smarter and morally superior I must be than these immoral, short-sighted, selfish, ignorant people on the other side of whatever argument is playing on any of the 24/7 “news” outlets.

When I was 32 and in Pathology residency, which was the first paying job of my life, one of the Path chiefs tried to explain a new meme he said was attached to the counterculture music of the 1960s: “the media is the message.”

It didn’t make sense to me until decades later when I realized how the TV media was changing me and everyone I knew, dividing us into two controllable groups that despised each other at a visceral level: “the emotion is the message.”

Tobin Smith has a one-sided, but important book on media manipulation. He’s an investment guru whom I personally witnessed calling the stock market bottom in real time after the 2000 tech crash. And years later, I sat on my hands and watched him call the exact market bottom after the 2008 near-depression crash. I was too afraid to jump back into stocks at the time. Tobin Smith recently called the 2020 bottom, I’m told, though I wasn’t personally there to witness it.

Tobin: “Americans don’t understand how the media is manipulating us through tribal hate media” using specific “causes” to create “a desired behavior and identity.” It’s all “Propaganda. The reason why it works is because it gets people to hate.”

Having worked for Fox News for 14 years (and never for MSNBC, CNN, etc.) Tobin Smith is able to bring detailed, personal eye-witness evidence against one side (only) of the control-by-hate media machine.

But in a TV interview, a reporter with a vanishingly rare quality I call objectivity asked Mr. Smith, “Could you not apply that same formula to almost every news media network…?”

Tobin extended his analysis only to MSNBC’s use of Trump-hate “ego gratification.” He didn’t admit that the same hate tactics are used by all other media outlets whether right-biased or left-biased, whether on TV, radio, big internet or print-based. In some cases the left’s bias is more subtle than the right-bias on Fox News, but that’s because the left can afford to be subtle while it still has a near monopoly on mainstream media. It’s just a fact, one side isn’t more necessary to balance and wisdom than the other.

Mr. Smith said that conservatives have more fear than liberals according to “scientific evidence,” and are therefore more easily manipulated. Maybe so, I but I doubt these blanket statements. Either way, it misses the point that we’re all being manipulated to hate each other. We’re all together in a sinking ship of blame, denial and addictive irritation/hatred. Neither side of mainstream “news” tells all the facts or all the lies. Neither side is objective. Neither side can afford to lose money by calling out genocide or rallying human compassion against any other form of human suffering.

Compassion is less addictive than hatred, less mesmerizing and therefore a less-profitable business model for every major “news” corporation.

Almost no public figures in the US believe that their own political party has been transformed into a cult of hatred, but it’s true for both sides.

We all need to escape the grip.

Few if any elected officials would be willing to admit that silent manipulation controls all the mainstream “news” outlets, conservative and liberal. To politicians, censorship should be promoted as long as their opponents are the ones targeted.

Like Woke racism, nothing’s wrong as long as the white devils are the target of bigotry.

I’ve tried to stay out of politics because I see that the left and the right need each other to survive, but there are things happening now that signal an end of democracy. Censorship of free speech by the Woke movement’s abortion of rational thought have taken over higher education. Critical race theory has body-snatched corporate America. If we remain passive and silent to the march of racism, Woke or otherwise, we will all fall together into the gravity well of totalitarianism, possibly some form of Marxism, but who knows what sort of nightmare-government will replace democracy in the West? Maybe it will be a continuation of “crony capitalism” and the gradual vanishing of real democracy. Representative government is only barely visible now on clear days.

Yeonmi Park has a valuable perspective on the loss of words, free speech and rational thought. She tells us that when your government outlaws the word “romance,” it’s not just that word that’s lost. The whole concept and experience of romantic love vanishes from the culture. The same is true of empathy, personal freedom, privacy, and rational thought.

Please listen to Yeonmi now as she tries to open our eyes to a broader perspective of life on Earth…

I watched the Olympic opening ceremony last night and got a little misty-eyed when they sang John Lennon’s song, “Imagine.” I guess I’m a dreamer, too, though I feel certain that a benevolent God exists above and beyond human religion and anti-religion.

Maybe try this… Listen to Imagine, and try to imagine that your precious political views don’t define you as a person, let alone as a person of moral and/or intellectual superiority.

“It’s easy if you try.”

Imagine that your political “knowledge” is based on a combination of half-truths, lies, cover-ups, and denials that you will never see if you stay in your current comfortable political bubble. It doesn’t matter which side of the political fence you’re on, you’re hearing misinformation and believing it. Just try to imagine for a moment that I’m right about this.

“I wonder if you can.”

Imagine a world where everyone is interested in learning from the insightful, intelligent, morally responsible people on the other side of the political aisle.

Imagine that hateful binary political thinking is the true enemy of humanity, not the people of the other political party. You need those people to help you think of things that don’t naturally come to mind for you, to help you feel things that you don’t tend to feel.

Imagine that this humble-voiced young woman, Yeonmi Park, would like to guide us all into a lasting, rational, and compassionate future as one single race of human beings.

Nonlocal Love,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

PayPal joins the Free Speech Ban

I’m often wrong about important things.

As a scientist, I take pride in admitting this, especially to myself, despite the fact that, like you, I’m infallible.

The insight to admit that you’re often wrong about important things is central to science and vital to any spirituality that values truth over smugness.

Since many, if not most, major scientific breakthroughs come from brave scientists who overcome the peer-review ban on real science…

And since highly intelligent scientists exist on both sides of ALL major issues today, including COVID, Global Warming, mainstream medicine, and the morally bankrupt whitophobes of the racist “Woke” movement’s completely uncritical “critical race theory”…

I can tell you with certainty that free speech, while not risk-free, is far less dangerous than driving a car sober or drunk, riding a horse, operating a motorcycle, texting while driving, or smoking cigarettes sober or drunk.

While free speech is still allowed in the US, some people will refuse to submit to COVID vaccination despite being over 65 years old. This might turn out to be a fatal mistake that endangers others who have made the same free choice.

While free speech is still allowed, some people will refuse to agree with the anti-logic of using racism to combat racism.

While free speech is allowed, some people may learn that political hatred is no cure for poverty because both sides, the conservatives and the liberals have essential viewpoints that need input from the other side if we’re ever going to solve global hunger and pollution.

While free speech survives, some people may learn that there’s an alternative to binary thinking. It’s called love.

People like me who have submitted to the mainstream narrative on COVID vaccination may someday suffer chronic side effects worse than the disease, worse than death even. It’s possible, though I think unlikely.

But let’s face it, scientists don’t have the time machines necessary to identify side effects that may appear years and years after the treatment. Some scientists act as if they do, though, hence they ban free speech. Rookie mistake.

The irony is, free speech gives medical scientists the one and only path for identifying side effects after the clinical trials. Those trials are always relatively brief, especially for psychiatric drugs.

Everyone knows that Silicone Valley hates free speech when it contradicts their political views or, worse yet, their ignorant belief that “settled science” exists in the real world. It doesn’t.

Science is unsettled by definition, that’s why science is invaluable to beings who already know the important stuff, like which worldview is right (always mine), which political party is morally superior (always mine), and which person among the billions is “right this time” (always me, always now).

Computer geeks in the Valley can be forgiven for binary thinking. Facebook, Twitter, Google, et. al might be expected to act like Nazi’s, but PayPal?

PayPal is stealing money from people who’s ideas they hate. This is new and far more dangerous than golfing in a thunderstorm. I had no idea overt petty theft had become a tool for banning free speech on the Net. We must resist it somehow, I think.

Please watch this video and imagine the implications if such things continue. Imagine a time when Whiteophobes feel justified in confiscating you paycheck because you’re skin isn’t genetically Woke.

I don’t know what Ryan Cristian’s censored content is all about, but unless it’s terrorism or child porn, it doesn’t matter. (OK, it’s not terrorism or porn because Alison Morrow wouldn’t interview someone like that. She’s awesome.)

I just hope Ryan Cristian knows that he’s “often wrong about important things,” like any other truth seeker.

If you know the name of an objective independent reporter besides Alison Morrow, please tell me. Or if you know of a free-speech affirming alternative to PayPal, please mention it in a comment below. I’ll do my part to support them.

Love, trust and trustworthiness,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

Science Meets Spirituality – The Near-death Experience

Three years ago I wrote a short story (Don’t Shoot Me in the Head) about a scientist who studied Near-death Experiences (NDEs). Little did I know, someone like my protagonist exists in the real world today and operates in the realm of published, peer-reviewed science.

Dr. Bruce Greyson, MD has spent a distinguished career studying and publishing his findings derived from thousands of people who have reported their own Near-death Experiences.

If any branch of science can move humanity forward in moral evolution, this is probably it.

Darwin enabled the divorce of science from spirituality by confusing epigenetic adaptation with what has become our current dogma of genetic macro-evolution. This honest mistake has probably caused more human suffering and genocide than all other major religions combined.

This is because, unlike the pseudoscientific faith known as “scientific materialism” that dominates modern science, most other major religions promote the golden rule.

Materialism promotes the myth of a mindless, meaningless, amoral Universe that operates randomly. To this religious pseudoscience, God is an “unnecessary concept,” to be denounced with censorship and the refusal to fund research that might cast doubt on their current dogma.

But now, science recognizes a source of evidence that casts credible doubt on the assumptions of “scientific” materialism. If allowed to continue, NDE research will increase humanity’s odds of survival by re-uniting science with the spiritual pursuit of moral, altruistic, and loving behavior.

Meet Dr. Greyson, an example of the rarest creature on Earth today, a genuine scientist…

Hearing people tell their NDE stories teaches us…

1. Consciousness really does appear to continue after death, at least for some individuals.

2. We all seem to be “one” in a way that centers around love.

3. The purpose of life appears to involve the golden rule, “woven into the fabric of the universe” — Treat others as if they were you. “It is not just a commandment that we should obey, it is an indisputable law of nature.

To me, this is the most useful implication of Dr. Greyson’s work and how it has affected him personally: By listening with an open mind as people tell their Near-death Experiences, we will gradually become unafraid of death and able to live fearlessly in altruism, compassion, and love.

Fearless Love,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

PS: I almost featured this video of Dr. Greyson giving a speech on his NDE research. Maybe I should have, it’s at least equally worth watching, if not more so.

Dr. Greyson has a website and a new book, After. He is also involved in a nonprofit organization, the IANDS, that “promotes research, education, and support around near-death experiences.” The IANDS mission is “to advance a global understanding” of NDE and related experiences. “We envision a future in which all people embrace near-death and related experiences as sources of meaning and inspiration for a better world.

I have no affiliation with IANDS, but suddenly wish I had done a psychiatry residency (instead of pathology) and gone into NDE research. Maybe next lifetime.

“The golden rule is of no use to you whatever unless you realize it’s your move.” – Frank Crane

Dolan’s First Insider Leak from the US Government’s Secret Classified UFO/UAP Report to Congress

At 48:20 on the video below, Richard Dolan reveals information from a source he fully trusts who lists eight “highly classified projects” discussed in “the classified portion of the UAP report given to a select number of congressmen and senators.”

Most of the video is Mr. Dolan’s views on the unclassified portion of the report. His opinions on UFOs are routinely intelligent and well informed, if you ask me.

I thought I’d get this out to you on the heals of my earlier post today. Sorry if this is an overload. We live in interesting times for those of us brave enough to explore the “impossible” facts circulating mainly outside of the mainstream media nowadays.

Anti-gravity love,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

“Driven from within Private Corporate Aerospace … THE [UFO crash retrievel and retro-engineering] PROGRAM”

I spent all day writing another post, took a break around sundown to watch an episode of “The Durrells” which we love because almost all the characters are thoroughly good people. Then I ran into an interview by Jay of Project Unity with a big-time Australian reporter who quoted Mitt Romney’s CNN comments on the US government’s recent UFO report. The CNN footage is still viewable in the first video below. Probably not for long.

Mitt is a member of the LDS church, a denomination I would join in a heartbeat if only I could believe their version of history. I would join them because they’re some of the most loving people I’ve ever met. (“By their fruits ye shall know them.” – The Nazarene.) I even like their boldly nonconformist Christian worldview doctrines. But alas, I’m incapable of believing the official story of how the LDS Church was founded by direct contact with God. I sincerely wish I could believe that part. Also the existence of infallible books is really tough for me to believe now. I think ancient scriptures are like modern science journals, extremely valuable, but you have to pick and choose what’s true and what’s more likely “truth in gravy shades of development over time.” You really have to think.

With that said, here’s our old pal Mitt in a ridiculously brief interview, typical of mainstream TV:

Years ago in a speech several hours long (I can’t find the video now), Steven Greer, MD made a comment to the effect that the “Mormon World Corporation” (or something close to that wording) knows more about UFOs than just about anyone else. I asked an LDS friend about that, and he said he’d never heard of any such corporation. But he told me that if aliens landed, it wouldn’t damage the LDS beliefs.

Anyway, it seems to me that Mitt Romney is an honest, good man speaking honestly in this interview. And with his religious beliefs, it makes sense that he wouldn’t regard space aliens as a threat. Dr. Greer would be pleased.

Similarly, the Seventh-day Adventist Church (which I belonged to for most of my adult life) believes that there are many other worlds out there with intelligent life, but Earth is the only one that has “fallen into sin” by eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, a Biblical story that they interpret as literal history. So a traditional SDA who thought UFOs were of alien origin would expect them to be benevolent unless they were the craft of “fallen angels” a.k.a. “demons,” in which case they would not exactly be alien because, as the SDA story goes, the fallen angels/demons were confined to Earth after being “cast out of Heaven.”

Sorry, religious beliefs fascinate me in my current state of spiritual flux. And as a scientist, they seem central to the human experience and the future survival of our species.

But while we’re looking at public figures who have weighed in on UFOs, here’s a link to a brief recent video of former President Obama stating his public opinion.

If you appreciated Obama’s candor there, you’ll love the first-ever UFO interview (video below) of Ross Coulthart, a famous (“reasonably well know” in his words) Australian journalist and five-time winner of Australia’s national journalism prize – the Walkley Award – including the highest award, the Gold Walkley.

Not long ago, he began researching a book on UFOs, thinking he would probably come to the conclusion that UFOs are bunk.

It turned out differently. With a remarkable list of inside contacts, Mr. Ross Coulthart became another of the world’s rare highly informed reporters who says he doesn’t believe in UFOs, he knows they’re real.

I hope you find time to listen to the whole interview, but for sure, please don’t miss out on the story that begins at 39:55 minutes into the video. Also, his words about Luis Elizondo near the end should be carefully considered, especially if you’re already part of the UFO community.

“It was told to me that there is a battle going on inside the Pentagon. The US Airforce flatly does not want to cooperate. And I’ve been told by multiple sources that the US Airforce put up obstructions on numerous occasions to the UAP Taskforce. Numerous occasions. They just don’t want to help. And I think at the heart of it, it’s because there is someone in the US Airforce who knows full-well what’s really going on, and they’re shit-scared.” — Ross Coulthart

His upcoming book, In Plain Sight, can be pre-ordered here on Amazon (if you live in the US). (I have no affiliation with Mr. Coulthart, but wish him Godspeed.)

True-story love,

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

PS. I think this Ross Coulthart interview could bring us all closer to knowing the underlying truths about the UFO reality. The video deserves to go truly viral. Please share it as widely as you can in hopes of creating a UFO-informed public across the globe. And thank you very much if you do that. Government secrets have their rightful place, but this could be a leap forward in humanity’s spiritual and moral evolution. That’s what we need more than anything else right now, it seems to me.