Harry’s Secret UFO Money

We’ve got a boatload of non-crazy people talking UFO’s in the major papers lately.

Tough themes for black-and-white thinking.

The New York Times and Politico are telling us that the former Democrat Majority Leader of the Senate, Harry Reid, with the full knowledge and agreement of Ted Stevens, Alaskan Republican, and Daniel Inouye, Hawaiian Democrat (both now deceased, God rest their honorable souls), secretly funneled 22 Million in tax-payer dollars mainly to Reid’s friend Robert Bigelow (a billionaire working with NASA) for a “black-budget” program run by the Pentagon’s Luis Elizando (now retired and working with a rock star, Tom DeLonge, on a UFO-related startup business).

I could see myself using these journalistic facts in a sci-fi novel, but wiser novelists would see it all as too far-fetched, especially the fact that two out of three of the program’s initiators are now dead. What are the odds?

Turns out, truth is stranger than fiction.

If you’re an objective person, this UFO story may be warning you to inoculate yourself against the dismissive term “conspiracy theory.”

Notice that conspiracy is normal, not theoretical, in national defense and other government affairs, such as the FED. (Unless I’m mistaken, the FED is a private corporate bank creating US computer money at will, and siphoning 6% to its anonymous shareholders.)

So what do we make of the UFO’s themselves? Are they real?

It seems they’re real enough for another round of sane and famous people to take seriously – even the fearless hero, Senator Inouye of WWII fame.

They’re real enough for a billionaire NASA contractor, Bigelow, to say on 60 minutes that he’s “absolutely convinced” that UFO’s have visited the earth and aliens exist.

As I mentioned previously, UFO’s are real enough for NASA to grant a million dollars to a religious organization to study their effect on religion if “disclosed” to the public.

But hallucinations are a real phenomenon, right?

These articles rule out subjective possibilities because more than one person, as well as video equipment, saw and recorded the object(s).

Of course, that doesn’t mean they’re alien. It’s no secret that the US keeps about 50 years ahead of the public with their latest air-bourn wonders.

Maybe that’s the whole story.

But UFO’s seems to have been around longer than the US military, so maybe it’s a “breakaway civilization” that survived the latest of Earth’s cataclysms (the melting of the polar icecaps?) and now lives in isolation.

Not a popular idea but probably worth consideration when you look beyond mainstream archeology at the saw marks, drill holes and uncanny symmetry of ancient rockwork done with “primitive” tools.

And UFO’s couldn’t be aliens anyway, most people’s religion won’t allow it, and even the “non-religion” of science tells us that space is too big and light speed too slow for anyone to travel between the stars.

People argue the details, but as a scientist (a retired pathologist) I’m convinced that mainstream science is still in its embryonic stages. The things we’re aware of not knowing are often staggeringly basic. The things we are cluelessly unaware that we don’t know are probably more numerous.

And the more I learn, the more I discover that plenty of the things modern science “knows” are true turn out to be incorrect, especially in medicine. Probably also incorrect is the materialistic assumption of science that the universe is entirely made of matter and energy. It seems dangerously superficial to make that assumption and preach it to children (as we do) since it rules out free will and the inherent value of everything, including ecosystems and people.

So I’m going to try and keep my mind open about UFO’s, along with my powers of critical analysis and my willingness to direct the spotlight of objectivity on my own biased beliefs and assumptions.

I refuse to let reality sneak up and pull the plug on my subjective relationship with the Transcendent. That relationship means more to me than the “infallibility” of the stories I want to believe.

M. Talmage Moorehead, MD






29 thoughts on “Harry’s Secret UFO Money

  1. Pingback: The Cloud Cover-up | Storiform.com

  2. I know a few Youtube channels, Secureteam10 being one, that is a little(?) more objective and seriously dives into the all the pictures/vids… questions… Observations. It is a judgment call that is hard to accept.

    It is another small theory/conspiracy that the government(s) are now drip feeding us. Preparing us for, whatever is out there. It’s going to get interesting if that is true…

    • Yeah, it’s going to be interesting. Thanks for the Youtube channel recommendation. I’ll definitely check it out. I’ve been using ideas from the UFO community in my science fiction stuff for quite a while now, so it’s always useful and interesting to me. The information overload and the lack of responsible journalism in the US makes it difficult to sift through the fabrications to find a few facts. It does feel like a sea change to hear mainstream reporters talking seriously about UFO’s. I hope they don’t revert back to the obligatory giggling. 🙂

      • Yeah, the giggling is insulting. When you have “respectable” (mostly, lol), professional people in all walks of life talking about them, UFO’s, Aliens… Possibilities.

        Securteam10 is a great youtube channel. Tyler, the guy who runs it has over 1.2 million subscribers. Though sometimes his “theories” can be a little far out there. He studies and research past stories and rumors, etc… To current happenings around the globe. Another one I like to watch/subscribe to is “Third Phase Of The Moon”. They can be a little less, researchy, lol.

        As a writer/storyteller myself. My own personal experience. It is an amazing hobby with amazing stories out there. If even a 1/10 have substance and truth, it is astounding and surreal.

        Nice to meet you, by the way!

  3. Thanks for the book referral. I will check it out. It’s too bad some questions are just too weird to ask without reflecting badly on the asker. For instance, I personally think the whole digestive system is crude engineering and picture future generations where there’s no need to ingest/digest/and all the rest. You’d just plug yourself in somewhere and refuel. Or maybe the race goes solar. Think about how that would change a society that revolves around eating and drinking. When I say things like that people either laugh or they change the subject but I think it’s fun to talk about this stuff.

    • Same here, the non-concrete subjects are much more interesting to me than football, houses, clothes, and political outrage. I suspect that the distant future may find humans using the DNA code to construct all of their best technology. We may look back on this as the ancient metal-and-plastic era of ignorant primitive savages.

      • I bought the book you mentioned. I believe that we all come from a mass of energy and we all return to it. I feel like this book might help me flesh out those ideas-give me more information to work with! If I get around to reading it. I’m better at buying books than reading them:-)

        • I hear you. I’ve always got three or four dozen books I’m “reading at the same time” which really means I’m half to 2/3rds through most of them and moving on. This one was quite gripping for most of the way, then it was still quite good but not as exciting, from my perspective. I gotta run. Much more to say, but there’s a Christmas program at a local school I have to watch. Please stay in touch. Open minds are so rare. You’ve definitely got one. 🙂

  4. Hi MTMMD,
    A friend said to me, about 30 years ago, “It seems pretty arrogant to assume that we are the only ones”. It stuck with me. I think she was right on. Have you ever had an unusual experience that made you wonder? I haven’t, but I know someone who knows someone who did. I’m still waiting for a first hand account. And it raises so many other questions, doesn’t it? Like….are ghosts (if there are ghosts) aliens? Are mediums aliens? Are mediums contacted by aliens? Is there a parallel universe where a future race has found a way to make contact? Were people who went crazy for no apparent reason taken over by aliens? Can that happen? Can one inoculate against that and if so, how? Diet? Exercise? Meditation? So many questions. This is kind of tongue-in-cheek and yet….not. Great post.

    • Thank you. I love the way your mind works, bringing up relevant questions without self-censorship. I try to do that, too.

      There’s a book that might be relevant to these questions, “The Field,” by McTaggart. I’ve found that it bridges some of the gaps in getting from the materialistic, deterministic universe that’s assumed and preached as science, and moving into a more realistic, more meaningful view of things. Here’s a link: https://www.amazon.com/Field-Quest-Secret-Force-Universe-ebook/dp/B000V507D4

      I’ve never seen a UFO or had a paranormal experience of any kind, but I think the very existence of the human mind is close enough to paranormal for any scientist to question the mainstream’s dogmatic stance against a specific group of unexplained things.

      When science tells us that there’s literally copious quantities of this undetectable stuff out there called “dark matter” and we can’t detect it but we know it’s there… That should open scientific discussion to a wide variety of topics we now consider paranormal. Is a ghost simply a dark matter being? What’s so strange about that question, I wonder, after all, I’m just a “light matter” being, right?

      Hey, thanks for your comment. I have a feeling it won’t be long before some of our question are answered.

  5. Well, clear case where “show me the money” translates into “show me the aliens.” Joke aside, if a former defense minister (Canada’s Paul Helliyer), if astronauts (and who’d be in a position to know better than theirs??) like Edgar Mitchell, Deke Slayton, Gordon Cooper openly stated it, why should we believe other individuals who deny it because they are part of some governments? Being a politician doesn’t make you competent to have a clear “no” on the issue, the more so as a good number of army officials have reported about “strange things happening”? Brian O’Leary – proposed astronaut for an in-view NASA-Mars mission, now Princeton Univ professor: “There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted”

    But I really shouldn’t believe anything else but real science, and this is telling me that only in our galaxy there are 200 bill stars, each with its own planetary systems??

    • I know what you mean, the canceling of the project sort of gives the impression that they now believe “there’s nothing to see here.” I suspect the truth is closer to Harry and the others being told that it’s a national defence issue to keep UFO’s secret because… fill in the blank… we’re using their technology, the public can’t handle the truth, the oil industry would go out of business, the medical advances would prolong life so much we’d overpopulate the planet in a few generations, etc.

      The NY Times article seemed to want to leave the question open, while the Politico article wanted to close the book on it again. I’m hoping that just the fact that normal people are discussing it will encourage the public to read some of the better UFO literature and realize that this is not a crazy topic at all. As you point out, many normal, well-informed, intelligent and successful people take UFO’s seriously. It’s only a “fringe thing” to those who are afraid to read and learn the history.

      Thanks for bringing Brian O’Leary to my attention. I just googled him and started reading about his fascinating life of achievements. It seems he died fairly recently, God rest his soul. What a loss for the rest of us.
      Thank you for your great comment, Mirella. It’s always such a positive sense of energy to hear your thoughts.

      • I have read all these inquiring minds’ comments, and I find it amazing that, under the thin sheath of “fabricated reality” (this may have been serving certain interests, maybe even the stability of society, but now ignorance is becoming more harmful than the shock of a knowledge of a wider reality) there is something brewing, something that may be comparable only to Renaissance that birthed us out of the Middle Ages. If, at the time, awakening took some two- three hundred years, we are now, with our technology and communications going through an exponential process of awakening; as I always see meaning in things, I see it as a fast-forward evolutionary process. Interesting times to live in, don’t you think?

        About this thought – energy exchange, I can say the same: I always feel a flow of positive energy coming from your direction, as well as from those people who are interacting through your posts.

        • BTW: I forgot to mention that serious attention to the UFO phenomena isn’t just a thing of the western world. Since early 70’s specialists ( scientists, professors, army generals) have been publishing books and articles, founded national societies around the subject, studying events, testimonies and proofs of such activity in Eastern Europe and inside our country (Romania), not to mention the solid documentation and the obvious interest manifested by our close neighbor, Russia.

          • I’ve been exposed to a little of the UFO literature from parts of Europe, primarily Western, but I’m ignorant of what’s happening in the braver countries of Eastern Europe because I can’t read anything besides English. What a limitation!

            I’m wondering what your opinion is on the distinction between UFO’s that appear to be most likely from other planets, and those that seem to be more akin to spirits. It’s this issue that has some Christian groups throwing up their hands and saying that all aliens (if they should ever show themselves openly) will be demonic. I wish Christians could someday outgrow this black-and-white thinking, but it’s not likely to happen because many of them see it as the only proper way to think.

            • About some Christian worries, I would like to quote Pope Francis’s view on the issue: ““until America was discovered we thought it didn’t exist, and instead it existed.” Moreover, his reasoning goes that, if God created the universe and all there is, us included, God created order, not chaos “it is not the result of chance or chaos,” but rather of divine intelligence.

              Therefore, I believe it would be only fair to trust in “the love of God who loves us, who created us, who desired us and never leaves us alone,” even in the face of “demonic creatures” ;). This being said, I truly believe that we are the only daemonic creatures there are, with our disrespect for the Other, with our Selfishness, Arrogance, Aggressiveness. The only reason we have for fearing other inhabitants of this same universe is the same one that makes us fear people from different nations, cultures, etc: unconsciously, we are projecting our own shadows on the others. We have always been the good ones, the others, the bad guys.
              To extend my speculations even further, I do believe that, once a civilization is that evolved that it can travel through galaxies, it must have also reached a higher level of ethics – otherwise it would have self-destroyed long time before. One more reason could be that, based on the countless proofs of “visitations” everywhere on the planet, we are still left alone to live our lives and wedge our wars, with no interference – while, obviously, they could have done that if they were planning to.

              • I favor the benevolent alien view, too, although such a black-and-white reality on this planet is vanishingly rare. It takes a bit of faith, I think, to imagine a reality where beings of higher intelligence and power also have higher motives, but as you say, that view makes sense of the broader picture. I’m not sure where “abductions” would fit in, but some, such as Dr. Greer, insist they are almost entirely faked abductions, performed by humans in reverse engineered vehicles. At any rate, UFOs are joyous rabbit hole that perhaps more of the public will venture into now that mainstream news agencies are talking seriously (for now) about these issues. By the way, I think it’s quite a big deal that Pope Francis has weighed in on the alien issue. With a private library that’s no doubt off the charts with ancient suppressed documents, and with connections to virtually any source of info on Earth, a Pope’s opinions should never be lightly dismissed by other religions or by the secular scientific community.

            • About materials on the subject, I still consider it regrettable that the two sides of the world (Us and Russia) don’t get to work together seriously on the issue. However, when things don’t work out officially, they find a way to function underground. There’s important literature on both sides, with a certain level of information exchange.
              This is a recent one, from Dec 2017:
              There is this book from the 1992 Alien Conference at MIT, which maybe you already have knowledge of:
              Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference Held at M.I.T. Cambridge, Ma.

              There is this important Rusian enciclopedia with documentation and photographs from the Russian Department dedicated to alien studies – Anomalia
              And, of course, there are serious works in which local ufologists present famous local cases (Romania) with documentation, besides the largely popularized ones – UFO Enciclopedia by George Mandici

              • Thank you, Mirella, for all these interesting reading suggestions. I will definitely check all of them out. I love reading about UFO’s and aliens. When my kids were young I told them not to have “a religion so brittle that it breaks when the aliens land.” I said that with all the millions of species on Earth, what are the odds that we happen to be the smartest? I bought an alien autopsy movie back in the 90’s and watched it with them, having to admit that it looked fake compared to the autopsies I had personally done (no fascia, and the way they cut off the eyelids was unrealistic and seemed to convey a foreknowledge of the “alien” anatomy.) Still, I’ve kept an open mind over the years, knowing that fakes should be part of any decent cover-up.

                • I perfectly agree, one must absolutely take everything with a grain of salt. I have been myself a skeptic until a couple of years ago when I had my own experience of a strange behavior in the sky above to which I could find no possible rational explanation – in terms of speed, characteristics and rapidity of of the movement, light pattern. I cannot swear it was something from outer space,of course, but I cannot accept easy, silly explanations either.

        • Wow, I can’t believe I’ve taken this long to respond to your fascinating comments. Please forgive me. I’ve been sweating a deadline that I recently gave up on and had to extend.

          I sure hope you’re right about a coming Renaissance. In America right now we’re living in the political dark ages with the TV “news” agencies splitting people into two carefully-maintained, roughly equal groups that hate each other (Dems and Reps). There is no sense of logic and reason, no give and take on conflicting ideas, just anger, name calling and supercilious attitudes on every side of every issue. If ET disclosure happens now, it might make people everywhere realize that any human perspective is utterly fallible. That could be the beginning of wisdom.

          • I know how time has more control on us than we do on it (I am having my own issues, my husband has just had quadruple bypass surgery last week ), and I was almost on the point of sending my edited, final form of the memoir you know about – I have been working at the lengthy and painful book proposal. I am happy, though, as you can imagine, that things look way better now, my husband’s recovery and all.
            By now I am confident that all things need to take their own time, or happen in their own time, even though not to our like. If I am at times very upset with myself at my poor performance, I try to remind myself that as long as I am trying to do something, rather than doing nothing, I’m still doing great.
            The Dark Ages aren’t confined to just the US, and I see the same conflicting polarity everywhere, starting with my two countries that I know intimately; maybe all this is meant to put us in the situation where we all agree on our own part of responsibility in the way we pick the people to represent us.
            “If ET disclosure happens now, it might make people everywhere realize that any human perspective is utterly fallible. That could be the beginning of wisdom.” Yes, and the beginning of this feeling that we all belong together, that we aren’t anymore fighting tribes – communities, that we are a global community, inhabitants of a same home.

  6. Kind of a sideways response here, but I wonder about the Sea Peoples, the mysterious group to whom the collapse of the Bronze Age is attributed. They attacked Egypt, not exactly a shrinking violet in the ancient world, and overwhelmed them with superior technology. (And then tore up a patch of ground generally in the Mediterranean.) But no records exist except for the Egyption account, which is atypically sparse. Things like this make me wonder what we don’t really know about the history of Earth society in general, including the possible influence of folks who ain’t from around these parts. It’s easy to be dismissive. It’s also easy to pontificate – “They exist!” But it’s really hard to just stop and think about it. The clues are fascinating. The stories which they inspire, even more so.

    • You make an interesting point, Michael. Some of the UFO accounts I’ve heard involve things going under water, usually in one of the oceans, sometimes into a lake. And your point about the attack on Egypt by the Sea Peoples is fascinating. I’ve wondered about them but never put them together with UFO’s. Hmm.

      It truly is difficult to stop and think about all this stuff objectively because the less a human being knows about something the more emotional that thing becomes. And the more polarized and brittle the positions taken. If anyone mentions UFO’s the rest of us are supposed to laugh at how stupid the subject is, and pretend we think it’s all crazy, even though secretly we’re curious about the whole subject.

      But with the NY Times documenting governmental interest in the 21st century, maybe we can all relax for a while and have an adult conversation on an interesting and potentially important topic.

      Thanks so much for sharing your interesting thoughts with the rest of us.

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