“The bigotry and intolerance of the scientific community…”

“The thing that we all know most directly and most certainly – that is, the existence of ourselves – is ultimately incompatible with materialism.” – Jay Richards, PhD.

When I attended a Christian university in the 1970s (now called La Sierra University) I took an upper division genetics class from Gary Bradley, my hero to this day, who subtly taught the logic of associating a Code Writer with this planet’s unfathomably complex DNA. His scientific insight was ahead of its time and became the intellectual basis of my faith in God.

Although my unbalanced version of Christianity made me a doormat in the dog-eat-dog world of pathology, the realization that God existed and, being smart enough to write genetic code, could easily understand English and undoubtedly hear my thoughts and prayers, improved my life dramatically, giving me a sense of meaning and purpose, despite my habit of not standing up for myself.

Today, more and more brave scientists and thinkers are making the connection between Earth’s code-based life and an intelligent code writer. Random mutation and natural selection don’t stand up to mathematical scrutiny when you know something of the complexity of proteins and the DNA codes that produce them.

But breaking with tradition is dangerous. Modern scientists are like preschoolers fighting to control the rules to the latest game. And they are literally religious fundamentalists who believe that their dogma alone can save the world.

The dogma is materialism: the arrogant, arbitrary, inflexible assumption that nothing could possibly exist besides matter and energy. This is a philosophical assumption that cannot be tested. Hence we should not equate it to science or let it be preached to school children as “the foundation of the scientific method.”

It’s actually the foundation of scientific fundamentalism, a religion that has quietly slipped in and taken rigid control of the minds, careers and publications of the scientific community. Materialism has become a roadblock to the funding of any project that doesn’t knuckle under to the dogma of a random, meaningless, depressing, purely material universe.

But here’s a breathtaking video that brings hope that perhaps today’s young people will rescue science from fundamentalism…

“Oddly, the [scientific] materialist has to deny the existence of the scientist.”

So true, and so ironic.

Back in the day, Gary Bradley openly questioned Neo-Darwinism in class, emphasizing the crucial importance of protecting the genetic diversity, natural order and purity of Earth’s ecosystems from the myopic intrusions of corporate science.

At the time, I did not understand how rare this part of my education was. But now I know that at least in the last fifty years, professors and textbooks have assumed without question that science is materialistic – there can be nothing but matter and energy anywhere, ever. Therefore, the mind is an illusion. Intelligence is an accident of matter, a random epiphenomenon with no meaning or higher purpose.

During their impressionable college years when objectivity writes on a clean slate, very few modern scientists have been allowed to hear both sides of the argument between materialism and intelligent design. Nevertheless, some have heard it now and are coming around, saying that there’s evidence in favor of the concept that we are genuine beings with free will.

Here’s a video touching on some of that evidence…

“No, You’re Not a Robot Made Out of Meat

In college, students are usually taught what to think not how to think. The struggle for most undergraduates is to memorize quickly for multiple-choice tests. We tacitly assume that everything we have crammed into our heads is true, including this western secular worldview disguised as the foundation of science.

But the mainstream answer to this question, “Does the Universe consist of only matter and energy or is there also something more, such as mind, identity, or a Supreme Being?” is not directly testable and therefore not capable of being the foundation of science. It’s a worldview, a philosophy, a spirituality or, if you ask me, a cultish religion that has morphed into today’s academic culture of scientific fundamentalism.

Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD

Please share these videos with the young minds you know and love. Give them something to balance the dogmatic materialism that undermines happiness and limits science itself. Give someone a glimpse of the rational universe where depression and suicide are avoidable through the pursuit of a higher, loving purpose.



42 thoughts on ““The bigotry and intolerance of the scientific community…”

    • I agree, there’s evidence of God everywhere, especially in the genetic codes, but only for those who are searching for Transcendent meaning. For others, there honestly seems to be no evidence anywhere of God, or so they tell me. And I respect that view. After all, God doesn’t believe in a higher power either, and no one faults him for that.

  1. Reblogged this on Continual Revelation and commented:
    Eventually there comes a time when everyone finds out the truth. If the materialists are correct, it doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference to anybody, but if the believers are correct, it makes a very big difference to everybody.

  2. Materialism is based on an untestable assumption, that matter and energy alone exist. It’s not science. Each of us simply makes a gut-level decision on it. That’s all we can do. If you “chose” materialism, then you can’t believe in free will or that you chose anything ever. If there’s no free will, there’s no real you or me. We’re not beings living a real life, we’re puppets of ultimately random cause and effect. We could argue about whether to call a puppet an illusion of self or not, but it misses the point. If materialism is the truth, then we are not free to decide anything, there is no point in ever arguing because we have no choice in what we believe or do. And logically we have no responsibility for what we believe or do because there was no choice involved, it was inevitable that we would do it. Therefore there is no right or wrong, only what we’ve been caused to think is acceptable or not. If materialism is correct, we have no way of thinking or doing anything that’s independent of previous causes. We are robots or puppets. If you are a materialist, you believe you had no choice in becoming one. You believe that others have no choice in what they believe. So let’s stop arguing about it. Let’s just give everyone the chance to see materialism for what it is: the untestable dogma of a meaningless life and universe. Then, if you’re right, people can have the false illusion of making a free choice about materialism. Or if I’m right, they can make an informed, truly free choice and avoid the misery that comes from feeling that life is meaningless and people are cogs in a cosmic nuts-and-bolts machine without higher purpose. If an idea can’t be tested, it’s not scientific. It’s an assumption or a faith-based belief. Materialism is either a faith-based choice or it’s simply what materialists are destined, caused or programmed to believe. Either way it’s not science or the foundation of it.

  3. Why does the universe need to be organized? The letters of the name by which we address God provide some clues: Goodness; Orderliness; Discipline.

    God is good, because as the most intelligent being in the universe, he knows the eternal potential for good of all matter, energy and intelligence (which left to themselves lack the ability to accomplish anything that produces goodness), and he wants to help them achieve their highest possible state (joy in perfection), which is an ultimate good because it mirrors God’s state of being. Everything he makes from matter and energy, and their combination with intelligence, is good. Many of these good things are also beautiful (proof of God’s creativity), some are bizarre or comical (proof that God has a sense of humor), and all are useful to some degree (they can provide service to others), which is also an ultimate good, because it mirrors God’s work.

    God is orderly, because as the most intelligent being in the universe, he understands that the highest good can be obtained only by virtue of an orderly state of existence. The three substances of which the universe is chaotically composed need to be organized according to their attributes, abilities, and state of actualization, when they are alone or when they are combined, and if they are acted upon or are capable of independent action. Disorder is wasteful of energy, matter, and intelligence. The geometrical and mathematical forms which God employs to achieve their organization are proof of his intelligence and orderliness: the sphere, the polygon, the branch, the meander, the spiral, and the helix.

    God is disciplined, because as the most intelligent being in the universe, he possesses all knowledge and wisdom, which he desires to share with his disciples: the matter, energy, and intelligence to whom he presents his plan to achieve the highest good for themselves and the universe. Teaching is a discipline, because it requires discipline of the instructor and a disciplined approach to the subject matter. God is the master teacher, because he presents his lessons in a manner that is matched to the level of intelligence possessed by his disciples. By this process of eternal progression, each constituent of the universe develops as it learns of its role in God’s plan, submits to God’s orders for its assignment, and understands and executes God’s instructions for the accomplishment of its tasks.

    The practice of discipline under the tutelage of God enables matter, energy and intelligence to participate in the organization of the universe in an orderly manner that optimizes the potential for goodness throughout eternity.

  4. I’d like to add the following poem to the conversation. It’s intended audience is the materialistic scientist and/or those who believe in their interpretation of reality, but it would seem to fit here too. I would add a thought as well, which is that scripture is a good guide, and I would not dismiss it in this comment, but, following the paradox any good scripture faces us with, allow me to quote it so say it’s not the cat’s meow. It’s from the Bhagavad Gita 2.46 and is paraphrased: how much use is a well in a flood?

    A Mnemonic God

    Great expectations,
    or is God the sudden Buddhist within?
    In the vast majority of cases God is a healer.
    Let’s attack on God.
    Doing a show waking humanity,
    I may go home,
    where you sell advertising.
    You mean they’re revenue?
    It’s a targeted state in humanity,
    a bare state of consciousness,
    raw equal awareness.
    I’ve sat there before.
    God moves out of degrees,
    would not be there except for a thin wisp
    caught behind everything,
    a That which cares not to be known,
    a suchness your perception can’t finger.
    The illusion you’re sitting in is only real for That.
    That is commensurate with God.
    Refuse to check them at the lease/lineage door
    a Commensurate
    the eligibilities of scripture.
    Knife this
    where Buddhist monks
    a zen of disbelief.
    It would spark your debate.
    It’s the terms we use:
    a giant God,
    or an all-pervading That,
    or a suchness.

    You see behind everything?
    The infinitesimal is your search.
    Have you gathered everything
    You’ve stopped at the multi-atomic.
    You have all notions to fill.
    You’ve stopped at time.
    Does it get violent bigger?
    Are you free from all constraints
    choosing the path of thought?
    Where have you taken your consciousness
    as an investigative field?
    It does not interest you to take everything apart,
    see how you’re wired?
    Why just sit in commonality?
    Because there you feel so safe?
    I can get larger still,
    but the bare ground of consciousness,
    empty raw awareness,
    has got so much in store for you.
    Now let’s talk about God,
    for survivors see it all the more better when we arrive there. Are you afraid sometimes
    the consciousness we’re in
    so limited by this and that?
    Create puzzles.
    That climbing you some?
    You think you put ‘er on?
    Here it did,
    the eye to the bestselling bridge over troubled waters.

  5. “In a disorganized universe, all such encounters between differing matter, or between matter and energy, would be accidental and rare.”

    “God, the most intelligent and most powerful being, organizes the universe.”

    Perhaps you misunderstood my question.

    You’ve called the universe “disorganized” as a constant, not just occasionally disorganized until God organizes it. Then you mention God who “organizes” the universe…. again, as a constant. So the question was basically, how could their be both an organized universe and a disorganized one at the same time?

    Thank you for your time!

  6. Intelligence, matter and energy are eternal and universal. While all forms of matter and energy each possess their own levels or qualities of intelligence, intelligence also exists as individual entities, each exhibiting distinct consciousness. The highest orders of intelligence are self-aware, and are capable of learning, exercising judgment, independent action, and dominion; the lowest orders of intelligence are not self-aware, but are capable of memory, rendering obedience, and are subject to being acted upon.

    God possesses the ability, power and authority to govern the universe by organizing its matter and energy according to his plans. Because he is the most intelligent being in the universe, he possesses infinite knowledge and wisdom, which enable him to command matter and energy. God’s power over matter and energy stems from his righteousness: he is perfectly honest and trustworthy. God’s authority to rule over matter and energy derive from the perfect justice of his laws and mercy of his benevolence.

    The combined attributes of knowledge, wisdom, righteousness, justice and mercy can be expressed as Truth, which is a manifestation of God’s will. The intelligence of matter and energy recognize and obey Truth; therefore they submit to God’s orders and follow his instructions.

    • Unfortunately, when you express your opinion it is sometimes perceived as “dismissing” their opinion in that someone doesn’t respect their right in any way to have an opinion. Quite often this is a false assumption made ironically because they don’t like your opinion and are actually the one looking to dismiss YOUR opinion! There are limited circumstances where this might be valid such as during a time of war though when your commanding officer gives you an order, but for the most part I would agree (especially in a public forum) that we all certainly have the right to our opinion.

  7. Christineplouvier,

    “In a disorganized universe, all such encounters between differing matter, or between matter and energy, would be accidental and rare.”

    “God, the most intelligent and most powerful being, organizes the universe.”

    1. Please explain to me how your God being the most intelligent and most powerful being, organizes a disorganized universe. I would certainly be interested in knowing all about that!

    2. ….”such encounters between differing matter, or between matter and energy, would be accidental and rare.”

    In the time frame of many million’s of years, it would only need to happen but once to get the ball rolling.

    Have a great day.

    Brother Mark:)

  8. Matter is eternal, but in its natural state is disorganized, and on its own cannot make changes. There are many forms and grades of matter, from coarse to the most fine, and each has different properties. Much matter is inert, but some kinds can mutually react upon contact, which releases pure energy. Once released, pure energy is also eternal, but in its natural state is also disorganized. While an accidental interaction between matter and pure energy may result in a permanent or temporary change of state of the matter, or cause another release of energy, such events are isolated, and not self-replicating. Thus, matter is a substance which can only be acted upon by an outside influence, and energy is a substance which has a limited ability to act upon other substances. In a disorganized universe, all such encounters between differing matter, or between matter and energy, would be accidental and rare.

    Intelligence is also eternal. Only intelligence can voluntarily and purposefully cause self-replicating changes in matter, and the continuous generation of energy, but there are innumerable grades of intelligence, and not all are equal in that ability. When the finest grade of matter is combined with pure energy, and they are bound together with a form of intelligence, the result is a spirit. A spirit has an eternal body made of exceedingly fine matter (usually not visible to mortal eyes), and an eternal ability to generate energy. It can also produce change, but the degree of change depends upon the power which the governing intelligence of the spirit is capable of exercising at that point in its eternal progression (its developmental phase). God, the most intelligent and most powerful being, organizes the universe.

  9. M. Talmage Moorehead,

    “I suspect that the Supreme Being(s) reside in a time and place that is outside of space and time as we know them”

    Actually there is nothing in our Pali Canon that I’m aware of that would suggest this, and if there even were it would be subjected to the same type of critical thinking scrutiny that the Pali Canon internally teaches.

  10. I guess it’s because dreams are so seemingly enigmatic, and it takes such a development to become daily aware of them in significant detail to work with them, that no one I can find is looking at the question in terms of first showing there’s a web of consciousness, a collective field we share, and that knowledge of the future is inherent in that field as well as the know how to live. That’s doable in examining dreams.

    Our nightly dreams are mostly about both the day we just lived and the day we’re about to, as well as also showing general process that happens over a longer period of time. They can’t be pigeonholed into only that, and we can even dream about people and events that seemingly have nothing to do with us on the surface, people and events we aren’t connected to in any way but through the inner consciousness. And of course there are many kinds of dreams, but my point is that, if you can interpret your dreams for the most part, you see they’re giving detail of events that haven’t happened yet but that happens as the preceding day unfolds, as well as details about situations, events, and people you have no way of knowing about. The thing is, you can’t see this if you can’t interpret your own dreams, which means you yourself have to be the one connecting the dots. An observer, such as a scientist there gathering data, can only do that in the most general way, since the dream content is specific to the individual dreamer.

    That’s quite interesting because it seems to be in the design that to gain this kind of insight, going deeper than the appearance of things, you have to develop your own consciousness to the point you’re aware of your dreams and inner experiences and can interpret that. I and my partner in this endeavor to show the collective conscious field, Douglas, can give numerous examples from our own life, but that would only be called subjective evidence. Still, it’s compelling enough to look into it oneself. We see this each and every day.

    I think it’s there we begin to move beyond materialism in mainstream thought, revealing the collective field of consciousness, showing knowledge of at least the immediate future is inherent in the consciousness of each of us, and then going further and showing that dreams not only mean something but are giving us a basic map of our lives and in some cases guidance, and then we can more easily make the jump to soul and God. This is well within our grasp to discover and reveal. Douglas and I are just two people with very limited resources. A much larger group spread out over the world could do so much more. If there were many such groups, the ‘subjective’ evidence would be hard to ignore.

    • Thank you for this interesting comment. I love the idea of a “field of consciousness.” I’ve had some dreams in which I was seeing some object moving along or falling to earth and just when it hit, a noise from outside woke me up. There may be materialistic explanations for this, such as a delay between the actual sound hitting my external ear and its registering somewhere else in my brain, allowing time for the dream to progress and give the false appearance of predicting the external world’s sound, but I think that explanation is probably wrong. I think the true explanation lies somewhere within a counterintuitive relationship between time and consciousness – along the lines of what you’re saying.

    • spartacus2030

      You should copy this and make a post out of it. People in general are intrigued with dreams. Fascinating subject matter!

      • Thank you for your recommendation, but more people read my comment here than a post on our blog (Harm’s End). I only wrote it to comment on the excellent blog post, but afterwards, at dawn the next day, my inner mentioned that someone thought it was in the wrong shot (shot because I’m very involved in film photography right now), and so someone does (an example of some inner communication). If you feel it should get out there, I could rewrite it as a short blog post, but posting it on my blog would not get it anywhere.

    • Donny Duke,

      For a discussion of what “matter” is:

      For a discussion of what “Energy” is:



      The Brain Building Blocks

      “The brain’s primary building element starts with the brain cells known as neurons. Chemical processes in the brain send out messages through the neurons that determine the mental processes along with thinking. Cells called glia exist between the neurons in the brain. Mark Treadwell, an educator from New Zealand at I-learnt Website, indicates the glia interact with the neurons and hormones chemically in the production of thought. The motor neurons produce the action in our muscles and the sensory neurons connect to our five senses.”


      I will add here that with all this in mind (no pun intended) consciousness gives rise to thought as thought is an extension of consciousness although thought itself is dependent upon memory.
      As an example, your not thinking about what you’re experiencing now but what you experienced a few milliseconds ago and are now processing with the overall capability of consciousness.
      Therefore it can be said that memory is a recall function of thought which is an extension of consciousness.

      • I’ve read the two wiki entries on matter and energy, and on consciousness, some time ago, and I make it a point to read articles from mainstream science and the media that deal with consciousness, but I pick and choose (prefer Aeon magazine over Nature for example). I don’t make it a life focus. At this moment, the investigation of consciousness is no longer taboo in mainstream science, and there are many theories bouncing around as to exactly what it is, but it’s still the ‘hard problem.’ For the most part, at least from my limited view here, the investigation has more to do with trying to prove consciousness is made by the brain than an investigation into consciousness itself, what it can do, where its boundaries are, if it has any that can’t be breached with proper development.

        What I have made a life focus is investigating and experimenting with consciousness itself, both my own and that of others. In doing so, I’ve had out of body experience that I could collaborate with someone else somewhere else other than where I was sleeping that I’d visited them, by telling them everything they were doing and saying once I got back in my body and saw them again. That first happened when I was 12.

        In my mid 20s I found myself inside my grandfather’s body as he died, although he was still alive and kicking, not ill at all I should add, and it’s pertinent to mention I hadn’t spoken to him in years nor to anyone about him recently. Inside his body I could hear his thoughts, feel his feelings, see out his senses, even saw the left top of his head open as he rushed out into that light that came from there, but I couldn’t follow and awoke as he left. Anyway, I didn’t communicate this with anyone until after he did die unexpectedly two weeks after the dream, and he died in the manner and in the place I dreamed, and all the details matched.

        These are only a couple of metaphysical experiences, not spiritual ones, but if your reply calls for a reply I might mention a couple of those, or post another poem that does. Anyway, this poem is appropriate to this reply.

        The Boundless Tweet

        I didn’t make it.
        A different kind of station than before.
        This was larger than life
        but intimate with it.
        You’ll just box my ears –
        the smell of consciousness.
        And you’re just going to pigeonhole this
        fake news.
        What do we do to behave?
        I’m not sure I understand you.
        Consciousness is a substance
        that doesn’t behave like a substance
        with measureable substances?
        When I look in the mirror I only see my reflection?
        The world is not built on a larger base
        than everything around me I see?
        I’m living wool,
        a meaningless tale in beginningless time?
        What’s that you say,
        matter’s deeper than the station in it?
        Matter gets bigger all the time.
        You’re shutting doors for a reason.
        You’re scared of something.
        What would you rest your hope upon?
        Your hope on consciousness.

        Are you just going to go down on paper?
        Would you burrow in consciousness a nice smell?
        Where is your ego?
        You’d grapple with consciousness.
        It doesn’t hold the criteria of a matter evolving principle.
        You would not assign it a station between us,
        yet all along our shores something’s going on
        matter can’t explain,
        nor a laboratory reproduce in exact replicas,
        but you know it’s there.
        How large is consciousness?
        Shore this piece of cheese will you?
        It gets bigger still,
        as between us there is no other.
        I have an identical twin’s foot;
        can matter reduce there?
        I know I’m brain heavy,
        but outside of my brain I’ve been.
        You would investigate the phenomena.
        It’s a revolving door.
        Let’s meet in the steps beyond ourselves.
        You know there’s world there’s more.
        Get right down to matter
        this film has produced.

        • Donny, Thank you for sharing your fascinating out-of-body experiences. It’s wonderful that science is finally taking a look at consciousness itself, albeit from a materialistic perspective. Can’t have everything, I guess. Thank you for sharing this interesting and artful poem, too. 🙂

    • As a non-materialist, I have made the untestable and therefore unscientific assumption that consciousness is the fundamental element of reality. This implies that our versions of matter and energy have been created by consciousness rather than the other way around. Selecting one or the other of these untestable and unscientific options (materialism or non-materialism) is not something in the jurisdiction of science, it’s a purely philosophical choice we make, usually in school without knowing we’ve made it. I think most scientists subconsciously absorb the materialist’s assumption from their professors: matter and energy came first, they are foundational. I doubt that. I think they are made of and derived from consciousness. From a non-materialist perspective, one could ask, “what is electromagnetic energy made of?” The philosophic answer, as far as I know, would have to be that it is fundamental, made of itself. Consciousness is fundamental, made of itself. “I am that I am.”

  11. Morrill Talmage Moorehead, MD,

    Thank you for reminding me the go and pick back up on that copy of “Signature in the Cell” that I started reading a while back. It’s an interesting book by the way, although I won’t comment on it until I’m finally finished with it, I keep bouncing between that and a few other things including some audio courses that I have purchased.
    I have a question for you my friend.
    Do you think that what you call “God” has some sort of physiology? In other words….does it exist or not?
    Our most advanced science may not be advanced enough to understand it all at this time, but that isn’t the question.
    If indeed this supreme creator and sustainer of the world does exist then what else would it consist of other than matter and energy?
    The best response that I’ve ever been able to get from anyone on this question is one form or another of “I don’t know”. They’ll then proceed to tell me how I should just “have faith” and believe what they say anyway!
    Many have tried to convince me that because science doesn’t have all the answers yet as well, that I should just believe in a story. The problem with that is that many of these people can’t agree on just exactly which story I should believe in because many of them have so many different stories.
    I will thank you in advance for your precious time.

    Brother Mark:)

    • Hi Brother Mark. It’s great to hear your voice! I suspect that the Supreme Being(s) reside in a time and place that is outside of space and time as we know them. I suspect that in that realm there are elements of reality that we might call “dimensions” that are essentially beyond the comprehension of beings within the limits of our time and space, with the possible exception of mathematicians who might have a vague feeling for what other dimensions are. I suspect that our reality is projected onto the 3D “pixels” of our space by the Supreme Being(s) using something like Klee Erwin’s concept of an E8 crystal that conveys a language of creation in which the letters of the language convey geometric substance, form and meaning simultaneously at the Planck level (in terms of size). I suspect that intelligent consciousness is more fundamental within this Universe than matter and energy, that is, matter and energy come from consciousness rather than the reverse (i.e. the assumption of materialism). I suspect that we ourselves reside with the Supreme Being(s) in their realm and have chosen to enter this “simulation” for a higher purpose involving growth in our capacity for compassion. This is all speculation. The only thing I don’t feel I have to speculate about is the compassionate love and trustworthiness of the Supreme Being(s). I suspect God’s physiology exists entirely apart from what we consider matter and energy. Total speculation, though.

  12. spartacus2030

    Certainly food for thought. How can people possibly deny their own existence? Well I for one know I’m here. Wait. I am pinching myself. Yup! I’m here alright! And if intelligence is just an illusion, why does it has practical application for us? Just because we can’t see or touch something, that doesn’t mean it’s not there. I can’t see or touch wi-fi but it’s here! And I know it’s watching me! Excellent rant! I’d like to give them a piece of my mind! A small piece… I don’t have a lot to spare…

    My icon makes me look like a spammer though I’m not. I can’t upload any picture of myself on this TV. Not until I set up an actual computer at the end of this month. I choose to follow you because you seem like you actually might have something interesting to say. Also, plenty here to read :0)

    • Thank you, Spartacus. You make some great points. Scientists haven’t yet detected dark matter in a lab, but they see its effects in the movement of stars, so they believe it exists. That’s analogous to seeing the effects of higher intelligence in the protein-making commands coded into DNA and then believing the evidence.

  13. Anonymous

    I increasingly believe that their scientific fundamentalism is sooner than later going to be collapsed by science itself. The video is great, all like the post!

  14. It is amazing how scientists not only reject the notion of anything other than energy and matter in existence, but the teachers themselves go completely blank when presented with even the challenge of scientific “conclusions.” Luckily, the legal profession has put the kaputz on such silly notions. It’s practically regulated now to inform juries that experts (often scientists) can NEVER be 100% certain on the information they provide in their opinions. I love watching their faces drop as their internal struggle is written all over their faces because many of them believe they are, in fact, 100% certain of their own conclusions! LOL!



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